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القضاء فى عُمان فى القرون الأربعة الأولى للهجرة/
حسين،صباح كامل سيف النصر
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / صباح كامل سيف النصر
مشرف / امينة الشوربجى
مشرف / صفى على محمد
مناقش / عفيفى محمود
مناقش / نصارى فهمى
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
289 ص.
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية البنات - قسم التاريخ
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

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تهدف الرسالة إلى دراسة القضاء فى عُمان فى القرون الأربعة الأولى للهجرة.
وقد احتوت الدراسة على تمهيد وخمسة فصول يسبقها مقدمة، ودراسة تحليلية لأهم مصادر البحث، وتتلوها خاتمة، بالإضافة إلى الملاحق التى تحوى الخرائط التى توضح موقع عمان فى القرون الأربعة الأولى للهجرة. أماالتمهيد:فكان للحديث عن عمان وأهمية موقعها الجغرافى وأثره على تاريخها إذ أنها تتحكم فى مدخل الخليج العربى عند مضيق هرمز،وهذا الموقع جعلها مركزاً تجارياً مرموقاً بين الشرق،والغرب نظراً لسيطرتها على الطرق البحرية،ونظراً لأهمية موقعها فقد كانت هدفاً لهجرات القبائل العربية إليها وبعض قبائل الفرس، والزنوج، والهنود.أما عن ديانتها قبل الإسلام فقد كانت عمان ملتقى لديانات شبه الجزيرة العربية والعالم الخارجى،ومن تلك الديانات الديانة اليهودية، والنصرانية،والوثنية،والمجوسية،وعبدة الكواكب، والنجوم، وعبدة النار.أما عن القضاء فى عمان قبل الإسلام فقد كانت كغيرها من الأقطار العربية تخضع للحكم القبلى الذى يعتمد فى إصدار الأحكام فى المنازعات على الأعراف والتقاليد السائدة فى المجتمع القبلى.
وناقش الفصل الأول: ماهية القضــاء ومصادره والمذهـــب الأباضـى فى عُمان: وقد تحدثتفيه عن تعريف القضاء،والحكمة منه، وحكم تولى منصب القضاء، وبينت أركان القضاء.وشروط تولى القضاء فى عُمان وهى:الإسلام، والعدالة، والبلوغ، والعقل، والحرية، والذكورة، وسلامة الحواس، والعلم، والفطانة، والفراسة، وشروط أخرى لازمة، ثم تحدثت عن مكانة القضاء وخطره مدعوما بالأدلة الشرعية.ووضحت مصادر الأحكام القضائية فى عُمان وهى الكتاب، والسنة، والاجماع، والقياس.ثم ختمت الفصل بذكر أهم مبادئ المذهب الأباضى فى الأحكام القضائية .
وتعرض الفصل الثانى: للحديث عن ولاية القاضـى فى عُمان:وقد فصلت القول فى ظهور منصب القاضى فى عُمان الذى كان من المهام التى تسند للولاة فكان عمرو بن العاصالذى أرسله النبىلدعوة أهل عمان للإسلام أول الولاة عليها،وذلك فى العام السادس،أو الثامن، أو الحادى عشر من الهجرة، وظل الولاة يتعاقبون على عمان حتى قيام الخلافة العباسية عام(132ه /749م) إلى أن انتخبوا إماماً لهم واستقلوا بإدارة شؤون عمان فكان الجلندى بن مسعود أول إمام وقاض لعمان،و قام بتعيين القضاة. ثم ذكرت أن سلطة تعيين القضاة إنما هى للإمام، أو الخليفة، أو من ينوب عنهما. ثم تحدثت عن أنواع تخصيص القضاء وهى الاختصاص المكانى، والاختصاص الزمانى، والاختصاص النوعى، ثم الاختصاص بقضية معينة. وبينت مهام القاضى. ثم وضحت الصفات والآداب التى يجب أن يتحلى بها القاضى فى عمان.ثم تحدثت عن علاقة القاضى بالإمام،والوالى،والمعدى،وعلاقته بالمجتمع، وختمت الفصل بحكم عزل الإمام للقاضى بسبب، أو بغير سبب، وهل للقاضى أن يعزل نفسه؟ وهل يعزل بعزل الإمام أو موته ؟
وعرض الفصل الثالث: الدعوى وأصول استماعها ووسائل إثباتها فى عُمان: فعرفت الدعوى، وذكرت أركانها وشروطها وكيفية التمييز بين المدعى والمدعى عليه، وأنواع الدعاوى. ثم فصلت القول فى أصول استماع الدعوى والتى تشمل: مكان القضاء، وزمانه، وجلسة القضاء، وتسجيل الأحكام، ومجلس القاضى، والمساواة بين الخصوم فى مجلس الحكم، وإجراءات وسير المحاكمة. ثم ختمت الفصل بذكر وسائل الإثبات فى عُمان: وهى الإقرار، والشهادة، واليمين، والقَسامة، واختلف فى قضاء القاضى بعلمه.
وأبرز الفصل الرابع: أشهر القضاة ودورهم فى تطور النظام القضائى وأعوانهم فى عُمان: وتحدثت فيه عن أشهر قضاة عمان خلال القرون الأربعة الأولى للهجرة. ثم انهيت الفصل بالحديث عن أعوان القاضى:وهم المستشارون،والكاتب،والحاجب،والمنادى للخصوم،وصاحب المسائل،والمعدلون(المزكون)،والمترجم،ورسول القاضى،والمنادى للقاضى ببيع مال من حُكم ببيع ماله من المفلسين وغيرهم.
أما الفصل الخامس: فقد تناول وظائف مرتبطة بالقضاء فى عُمان: منها ولاية المظالم التى كان يقوم بها فى عمان فى فترة البحث فى الغالب الأئمة، أو من ينوب عنهم من الولاة والقضاة. ومنها أيضاً الحسبة: التى كان يقوم بها الأئمة فى عمان بل كانت من شروط ولاية الإمامة، فهذا الإمام الجلندى بن مسعود الذى وضعتشريعات صارت بمثابة قانون يلتزم به كل أئمة، وولاة عمان الذين جاءوا من بعده، ثم تطورت الحسبة بعد ذلك حتى صارت ولاية خاصة لمن ينيبه الإمام،أو الوالى لذلك. والشرطة: وهم الجند الذين يعتمد عليهم الإمام،أو نائبه،أو القاضى فى استتابة الأمن،وحفظ النظام، وتنفيذ الأحكام، ثم انفصلت عن القضاء، وكان يطلق عليهم فى عمان خلال فترة البحث، الشراة، أو العسكر الذين اتخذهم الإمام الجلندى بن مسعود لحفظ الأمن، ووضع لهم قوانين محددة يسيرون عليها، وصارت الأئمة، والولاة فى عمان من بعده على هذا النهج فى اتخاذ الشراة، أو العسكر لحفظ الأمن وبث الطمأنينة بين أفراد المجتمع العمانى.
This research consists of an introduction, a preapprehension, five chapters & an ending.
-It includes the reasons why I choose this topic, how to research it & the ways I choose to research it.
The researcher have started to talk about the geographical site of Oman and this was due to its importance and its effect throughout its entire history as it have long coasts with usable harbors for ships dockings. It also controls the entrance to the Arabic Gulf through the Strait of Hormuz making it a distinguished trading center between the east and the west due to it’s control on the marine roads. And due to it’s prestigious site; various tribes have migrated to it, and there were many people that have lived there such as the people of Aad which were from the Lost Arabs while from the Remaining Arabs the people of Qahtan. Also due to the collapsing of Mareb Dam many others trips have went to it such as the Al-Ozd tribes & Adnan tribes which were called the Foreign Arabs. In addition to these Arab tribes there were other tribes such as Persian, Indian & Negroes tribes.
As for it’s religion before Islam; Oman was a forum for the religions of the Arabian Peninsula and outside world because of it’s location in the Arabian Peninsula. By virtue of its geographical location and its connection to the outside world ,it became a crossroads of different cultures , beliefs and civilizations : Judaism, christianity, Paganism, Zoroastrianism, Stars & Planets worshipers & Fire worshippers.
As for the judiciary in Oman before Islam; it was similar to the other Arab Countries as they used the tribal rule which depended on sentencing of disputes through the prevailing customs & traditions of the tribal society.
Chapter One: The state of the judiciary and the El-Ebadii doctrine in Oman
I have spoken about its definition Linguistically, idiomatically & the legitimacy of the judiciary and that it is legitimate in unanimity, Qur’an and Sunnah, also about the wisdom behind its legitimacy & the ruling of undertaking the position of the judiciary and that it is from the collective duty meaning that when only a few undertake it then the rest won’t be sinful. While if no one undertook this position then everyone would be sinful because people’s lives depends mainly on it and without it their lives won’t be aligned and directed on the right path that’s why it was their duty to undertake it as it was quite similar to Jihad & Imamate.
The Elements of the judiciary were composed of a Judge, a ruling, the sentence itself, the convicted person, and the victim & final sentence. As for the conditions to apply for the undertaking of the judiciary position are: to be a Muslim, to be just, to be mature, to be
intelligent, to be free, to be male, to have full & healthy senses, to have knowledge, to be observant & subtle and to have perspicacity & shrewdness (ability to read people). And many other conditions such as consulting those who have knowledge and important opinions, to be righteous, clever, and patient with piety & integrity without greediness. And I have also talked about the Enticement statement in judiciary & its dangers and what were the proofs on it from the relics, Qur’an and Sunnah
from the sources of Judicial judgments are of what is Agreed upon by al-Bukhary and Muslim such as Qur’an, Sunnah, unanimity (ijma) & metrology (qiyas). And principles of the El-Ebadii doctrine in the provisions which are represented in the following; is that they are considered having one of the least disproportionation in judging of their contraventions. And according to them; two denomination people cant be inherited, and that the Muslim that follows the teaching of Islam while sinning isn’t called a Polytheist but he is an infidel that cast away his blessing and a hypocrite. And they also forbade the killing of the people of Monotheism of Islam. And also forbade capturing of their money & posterity. And that the homes of the Muslims who goes against them are still considered homes of Muslims and not infidels. And that they don’t fight anyone unless if they fought them and were forced to fight.
Chapter two: The state of the judge in Oman
I have detailed the utterance in the appearance of the judge’s positon that is known in both the language and idiom and that the first appearance of this position was in Oman and was for Amr Ebn El-aas at the sixth, eighth or eleventh year of hijrah. And that in the Era of The Righteous Caliphs; Oman was from those states that had the governor have the judge’s duties assigned to him in addition to his other duties. where there was cooperation of The Al-glendes with the governors until the governors do their duties such as judging and others. And The Al-glendes kept ruling over Oman behind the Umayyad Caliphate until El-Hagag Ben Yousif El-Thakafi was appointed by the Caliph Abd El-Malek Ben-Marawan as a prince over Iraq, this made him capable of subjugating Oman under his ruling. And the governors kept coming and going over Oman until the appearance of the Abbasiya Caliphate at the year (132 Hijri-749 AD) until they appointed an Imam for them and they became independent for the management of Oman making AL-Glendy Ben Masood the first Imam & Judge for Oman.
The authority for the appointment of a judge to an Imam or Caliph or if even on their behalf; is through two methods. First one is the direct appointing, which can be through the Imam or Vice Imam as they appoint those who have the required conditions and the best of them as well only. While the second method is through elections, and it is done by the elections of stakeholders (the people who others come to for help) to be appointed as judges and the election isn’t completed unless the ruler approves it. And the jurisdiction is convened through the statement “We made you a judge of rights” and with any other statement revolving around this particular meaning. Then i spoke about the types of jurisdiction customization which were: territoriality (locative jurisdiction), temporal competence (time jurisdiction), geographical jurisdiction & the jurisdiction for a particular case. And the duties of the judge is to separate
between conflicts, fulfillment of rights and considering the judgments involving hurting one another and even killing, and to look at the money of orphans, and to supervise over imprisonments, and the implementation of wills, convening of marriage to unmarried women, looking at the public interests and its well-being, setting boundaries according to the Imam’s authorization, promotion of virtues and proscription of vice and evil & looking into jails.
from the qualities & ethics that should be in the judge are: to adhere to ethics of sharia, preserve chivalry & wits, to be highly motivated, to wait for what he deplores, to know what came before him, devout clever, intelligent and fair for what goes on in front of him, solemn & fearful and the most important ethic is to be equipped with generosity. He also should avoid opposition & to have clarity. Then I talked about the relation of the judge with the Imam, the ruler & the community after being appointed. The judge isn’t allowed to accept any presents or buy & sell in the Judicial Council. But he is allowed to attend funerals and check on patients. The chief justice is considered to be the highest position in judiciary. The Imam have the right to isolate the judge with or without reasons while the judge doesn’t have the right to isolate himself.
Chapter three: The suit (complaint), how to conduct it and ways of proving it in Oman
And the suit was known as: the right to be informed on having a right over someone in front of a judge with a proper judgment. Then I stated its terms and conditions and how to Discriminate between the prosecutor & the defendant and the types of complaints.
Secondly: the redrafting of the suits hearing and they include: place of judiciary, its time, judicial hearings, recording of the judgments, the judge’s board, the equality between adversaries in the court and the procedures & conduct of the trial. As for the means of proof, there is: the sentence, testimony, oath, difference in the judgment with a witness and swearing (sentence under oath). And the sentence is done by the acknowledgment of the judge himself.
Chapter four: Most famous judges & their role in the development of the judiciary system and those who helped them in Oman
And I have already talked about the most famous Judge in Oman’s furing the first four centuries of Hijra who was Al-Glendi Ben Masood, he was a judge & an Imam and a man of knowledge as well from the year 132 to 134 Hijri, he was also the first to enact legislation, regulations and laws which became a constitution from those who came after him, he also organized the governance and administration systems on basis depending on centralization.
The judge Mousa Ben Abi-jaber was the first judge to be independent with the positon of the judiciary and he had many cases and famous advisory and doctrinal opinions indicating that he had vast knowledge and especially Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh). He contributed in a great way in establishing the basis of Ebadii Doctrine in Roots of Jurisprudence & the Foundations of Jurisprudence (fiqh). Also from the people of Al-Azra and from the most famous
judges is the judge Moosa Ben-Ali Ben-Azra El Samy which was famous for his cases and his efforts seen in the Omanian books. Also the judge Moosa ben-Moosa Ben-Ali Ben-Azra.
And Ghassan Ben-Abdallah as a judge & an Imam, and the judge Mosbeh Ben-Abdallah, and the judge Mohamed Ben-mahbob which was one of a kind in his era whether it was in his knowledge or temperance which was seen in his cases and various advisory opinions (fatwas) that can be found in the Omanian books of Jurisprudence (fiqh)
And the judge Omar Ben-Mohamed, Mohamed Ben-Gafaar, & the judge-Imam Saeed Ben-Abdallah El-rahelee which had brought together imamate, and the judge Saeed Ben-Koreesh, Elhassan Ben-Saeed ben-Koreesh, Yehya Ben-Saeed ben-Koreesh and Ahmed Ben-Mohamed Ben-Khaled. & then I talked about the judge’s assistances, which were: the Counselors, the clerk, the commissionaire and the judge’s herald for the orphans & rich’s money.
Chapter five: Jobs related to the judiciary system in Oman.
Such as: Ombudsman’s mandate (judging of injustice): which interested the Jurists in the old times so much that it became from the principles of Islamic Legislation because it contains justice for the oppressed from the control of power as it have the upper hand & great authority which oppresses the unjust person from the two conflicted parties and squash the aggressor whatever his status was. I have also spoken about the judge of injustice and his origin, and names of those who are appointed as injustice judges and his specialization, and the authority of the Court of Ombudsmen and its status and the difference between a normal judge and an injustice judge.
Actio popularis (Wilayatul Hisbah): is a religious job which is appointed by the Imam. Which is made to promote virtue and prohibit vice. And its proof of legitimacy & judgment. And the wisdom behind its legitimacy and what were the conditions for picking of the popularis person. And whats the difference between the Actio popularis person and the volunteer.
Police: and they are the soldiers which provide security and maintaining of order, and capturing of the corrupt perpetrators. And I have talked about it’s role and its relation to the judiciary system. And what it was specialized in when looking at different crimes and establishment of borders and preventing evils and fouls from the society.
Then afterwards, this research includes the artistic archives