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الصياغات المعاصرة للحروف العربية كمدخل تجريبي لإثراء الستر الخشبية /
الشهاوي، محمد جمال إبراهيم حافظ.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد جمال إبراهيم حافظ الشهاوي
مشرف / سلامة محمد علي
مشرف / أسامة عبدالعظيم السعيد
مناقش / محمد إبراهيم الشوربجي
مناقش / محمود السيد أحمد مصطفي
الفن. الأبجدية العربية. التربية الفنية.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
255 ص. :
تربية فنية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية التربية النوعية - التربية الفنية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 274

from 274


Chapter one: This chapter is divided into sets of fundmental elements including a general introduction to the research; thesis ; limits of the research that can be summarized in the following question : How can we make use of the beauty of the Arabic letters in enriching the wooden curtains ? The research aims importance and limits through : Works of pioneering Arab Craftsmen of the contemporary Egyptian artists . Wooden curtains in different Islamic eras: The modern technology program and equipments that serve the wooden curtains. Chapter Two :- The researcher identify sets of the previous studies related to Arab letters ( origin –development stages –Arab letters tendency . Wooden curtains ( origin – development stages through Islamic ears. Chapter Three :- The Researcher explains The history the originality of Arab calligraphy; moreover, He will explain the theories of calligraphy origin and Arabic Arabic calligraphy after Islam. ( koufi font – copy font – persain font –Thuluth font- diwani font .) and modern fonts ). Chapter Four :- Alphabets and its different arrangement The composition constituent of calligraphy . (A) horizontal expansion (B) vertical extension . C) Circulations(d) flexibility(e) ductility(f) anglization(g) compressive(h) interjection(i)unity(j)linearality(k) multiple letter shapes(l) illusive optician(m)branching . Arab technical techniques : ( repetition –focus an some words –mirror the mutuality of shape and the background writing personification and determing the total importance of fonting through .( unity – intergration–abstraction ). Ibn –mokla. are the ،Ibn – Al Bawab ،Jacoot Al- mostasamy world known pioneers Chapter Five :-The technical tendency of calligraphy .Arab letters originality in Egypt and Arab world by group of artists that interested in ( painting – photography – design –carving- porcelain – graphics ). Some of those Artists sticked to writing rules while others tended to abstraction .Chapter Six :-Wooden curtains :The Egyptian housing in the Islamic era through climate; social and religious factors . The study of wood in different Islamic eras and its formation methods The various uses of wood curtainsMosques –( walls ; half or full )- balaconies – windows ( fixed or moveable .Through digging ( inscription ) Evacuation Invagination Crafting Chapter Seven :- self experiment of the research Chapter Eight :- referrences