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فاعلية برنامج مقترح قائم على القصة في تدريس منهج التربية الدينية الإسلامية لتنمية المفاهيم الدينية والقيم الخُلقية لدى تلاميذ الصف الثالث من المرحلة الإبتدائية /
سالم، وليد محمود محمد علي.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / وليد محمود محمد عمي سالم
مشرف / محمد محمود محمد موسى
مناقش / محمد رفعت حسنين
مناقش / مصطفي رسلان
التربية الاسلامية - طرق التدريس.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
455 ص. :
المناهج وطرق تدريس اللغة العربية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بني سويف - كلية التربية - اللغه العربيه
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 472

from 472


English Summary of the Research
The world today is exposed to a range of global changes in all
areas of knowledge and economic and social development, which
represent a set of challenges facing the world in General and our
community in particular, and the former curriculum challenges need to
continuously update the content to reflect the knowledge And global
changes, and the need to develop agreed standards based on international
standards for product education.
Explore Checker to a number of introductions for research and
studies in the field of curriculum and methods of teaching Islamic
religious education researcher noted that it started with a Muslim and
Muslim either assumption: they recognize the scientific and technological
progress, and its effects on education inputs, in particular learn religious
concepts And ethical values. Hypothesis: it is the need to keep pace with
this change, and dealt with objectively, and organized scientific and
practical steps to follow, and it became necessary to upgrade the way
Islamic religious education to those challenges to become more
successful and effective if larger numbers of Learners to acquire the
correct religious concepts and ethical values more and participate in a
global community based on Knowledge
In recognition of the need to frame the events developed a way of
teaching Islamic religious education curricula, especially at the
elementary level; the assumption inherent in it is to stand on the reality of
Islamic religious education teaching methods in elementary phase, and
then prepare a programme to improve the teaching method of education
Islamic religious; in order to achieve greater development, and take
practical steps
to follow to achieve the desired change, and try to reduce the gap
that has emerged as a result of societal development incident in life, no
parallel development in teaching method is invoked, which wasted a lot
of time and effort, Led to many invitations to develop a method of
teaching this course.
pupils are a source of real wealth, and we hope to achieve a better
future, the interest in the care and socialization is necessary to be
determined in the light of the future, the use of play in the educational
process is part of the advancement of education but update it, including
guarantees of rights capable of adapting to the rapid changes resulting
from the information revolution and the scientific and technical, and
configured to face life’s problems with ease.
The problem of the study:
The main problem of the study is the following question:
The lack of religious concepts and ethical values among third
graders; prompting the researcher to try to find a solution to this problem
by building a program proposal based on the story of the development of
religious concepts and ethical values among third-graders.
It is a look at the following questions:
- The main question “what is the effectiveness of using the story in the
development of religious concepts and ethical values in the third grade
of elementary school? And branches to this question the following
questions: 1 what religious concepts needed their third graders have in
Islamic education textbooks?
- What ethical values contained in Islamic education books required the
development of third-graders?
- The proposed scenario for a program based on the story of the
development of religious concepts and ethical values among thirdgraders?
- The effectiveness of the proposed programme is based on the story in
the development of the religious concepts of third-graders.
- The effectiveness of the proposed programme is based on the story in
the development of ethical values of third-graders.
Aims of the research:
Current research aims to:
- Identify the necessary development of religious concepts have thirdgraders
in Islamic education books.
- Identify the ethical values contained in Islamic education books
required the development of third-graders.
- Visualize a proposal for a program based on the story of the
development of religious concepts and ethical values among thirdgraders.
- Measure the effectiveness of the proposed programme is based on the
story in the development of the religious concepts of third-graders.
The Importance of the Research:
Highlights the importance of research in the following points:
- Make teachers and Islamic education instructors to select appropriate
stories of Islamic education branches of third graders from elementary.
- Make teachers and Islamic education mentors and authors of children’s
stories, and producers of audio and video broadcasting them to the
importance of religious concepts and development of congenital thirdgraders
have values from the primary.
- Provides a model for four modules in Islamic education decision
formalized pursuant to sitting in a doorway.
- Provide evidence of Islamic education teacher third grade; according
to the story, including entrance steps help guide them and use them in
the classroom teaching the same decision.
- Disclose to responsible Islamic education curricula the importance of
employing narrative entry in the preparation and development of
Islamic education curricula and books.
- Contribute to open the door to further studies dealing with religious
concepts and ethical values. Teachers and Islamic education
instructors to select appropriate stories of Islamic education branches
of third graders from elementary.
- Provides teachers and Islamic education mentors and authors of
children’s stories, and producers of audio and video broadcasting them
to the importance of religious concepts and development of congenital
third-graders have values from the primary.
- Provides a model for four modules in Islamic education decision
formalized pursuant to sitting in a doorway.
- Provide evidence of Islamic education teacher third grade; according
to the story, including entrance steps help guide them and use them in
the classroom teaching the same decision.
- Disclose to responsible Islamic education curricula the importance of
employing narrative entry in the preparation and development of
Islamic education curricula and books.
- Contribute to open the door to further studies dealing with religious
concepts and ethical values.
The limits of the study
- The present study determined the following:
Human borders (sample):
1. Sample search: search sample selection number (60) third-grade
pupils, school (Ibn Sina) manage Atfih, who supposedly are able to
apply targeted concepts correctly, it was divided into two groups, one
control (30) pupils and another experimental (30) pupils.
2. sample verification of psychometric properties search tools: search
procedures require a sample to check the psychometric properties
search tools has been chosen number (25) of third grade pupil, school
(Umar Ibn Al-Khattab) Atfih management education.
Spatial and temporal boundaries:
1. Ibn Sina school primary (experimental sample and control)
2. -Omar Bin Khattab primary school (sample verification of
psychometric properties)
3. -Omar Bin Khattab primary school (exploratory sample).
4. -Application of the program for the development of religious concepts
and ethical values of third-grade students a period of 8 weeks in the
period between (12 October 2017 until 14 December 2017.
The substantive limits:
- Search only religious concepts development (faith, Islam, prayer,
fasting, Zakat........... And ethical values (freedom, social justice, nonviolence
and extremism. For third-graders.
- The proposed programme is based on the story in the Islamic religious
education for the development of religious concepts and ethical values
of third-graders.
Descriptive Methods: use in theoretical research is through access to
previous relevant studies and research search variables.
- Use in field research applied to measure the effectiveness of the
proposed programme is based on the story that represents the
(independent variable) in the development of religious concepts and
ethical values (dependent variable), and the argument variables are:
- Based teaching: things that went into the study sample (control group
and experimental group) to be based in teaching them close, in terms
of qualification (Bachelor of education), and years of experience (8 -
- As well as pupils study group; the officer and pilot, in terms of
educational level, economic status, and number in the chapter.
- semi design Demo: applying this research to pilot groups and, where
tribal research tools applied webadia, with an experimental treatment
lie between them.
Hypotheses of the study
The assumptions in the current study:
- There are statistically significant differences between the experimental
group students in grades medium size in the pre and posttest
accomplishing religious concepts for pretest.
- There is a statistically significant difference between middle-grades
students experimental and control group post application to test
accomplishing religious concepts for the experimental group.
- There are statistically significant differences between the experimental
group students in grades medium size in the experimental group
response to ethical values attitudes scale items for posttest.
- There is a statistically significant difference between the middle
grades of the two students study group experimental and control group
in responding to ethical values attitudes scale items in for
experimental group
Results of the study
Resulted in the current study, a set of results are:
- Results: the results of this research have shown: the effectiveness of
the proposed programme is based on the story in the development of
religious concepts and ethical values among third-graders.