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Abd El-Hady,Mohamed Sarwat El-Sayed
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد ثروت السيد عبد الهادي
مشرف / مهدية فريد جبر
مشرف / الفت حسن الباجوري
مشرف / محمد شكري رياض حسنين
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
الهندسة الزراعية وعلوم المحاصيل
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الزراعة - محاصيل
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from 181


I IIi s 111~’ C’li.t ~:liJon (\II Jllllll<t1urc clllbn.· (l culture nf \\heat .
ha1fcy <t!ld !11;11/.t.~ plants and 1\ntllcr ctdtur c for\\’ heat plants
n-a.”- carried ()HI 111 tl1c tissue cultuTc laboratory and greenhouse
or the J\gJ()l!PI!I\’ I JcparllllCilL htculty’ or Agriculture, J\in
Shams lJni\t’l~rtv. >dwubra ti-Khalnla, L’a1ro; to study the
cfTcc1 of the follo\VIHg:
J\- )Cilesj_Qf gcll<!_type:
I. Wheat. LH;ht ~·ultiv;trs (ij;r~J 155, (ii/.<l 157, Cii/.<1 162,
C:iza IC• I. ti11a 161. Saklia R. Saklw (,’) a11d Saklia 92
\\’CIT (c-.;f,·d 111 both of i111maturc en1bryo and anther
2 narlcy: fill (’C ctdli\’:!I’S (Jj/.;1 J2J, (Jj/.<1 .l J <I lid (jj/.il i21l
were lc”kd in l!lllllaturc cmbr\’o culllii”C
3 lvlaizc \ Jqcc cuHiY<l!s (iiza-’. CiizaJIOalldYcllow
1\Jnnun wc1c tested in Jllllllalurc embryo Cttlture.
B- l_)l9_d Ql 2_,·1-D t:tl!lt:cntrati(111S:_
I. I o1 imrn:t{ut c ctnbryo culture.
\”onccn11:l1ron’’ nl’ 1 0, 1 5, .1 o and 2 _s 1ng/l Cor wheat:
I 0. I i ”’”I 2 11 mg;l lor barlcv; a11d 2.0. 3 0. ·1.11 and 5.0
Jll)_U’I f’(ll lll”lt/C \\.”Cl”C ~Hided to tlJC CUJturcd CXp];llJ{S l!lcdia (JnodllH-,1 [\·!IIJ,Jshtgl’ 8c Skoog Jnu!Julnl for illltiatinl_.!.
c;:JIIu~ \\ I;Jrll ,uhcultuted (Jll MS IHl’dJ;l five tillll:S of 7
da\’S ru1 C\CI \ OIJC COill<lillillg 5 mg/1 2,/l-D.
sl10oltll)~ ;111d I1W11ng callu~ was gro\vll tlll free MS 111cdia
transl”c1 r’ ·I for (JllC Hllllllh to free 2, 1-D
2. J·or antlic1 culture:
ConccntJ;;tfow; of I 0 1.) and .2.0 111g/l 2A-D were added
to Potato 111cdta cont:11nin!! potatoes extract as described
by ChinL”-:c 1-c’..;carcli ,!-!roup (i\nonylllous, 1976).
·1 he foJ]Il\\’ilW reading were determined for inlln<Jture
1- CaJiw; ind!Jction percentage (for anther culture also).
1_ IJa\’s !111 c;dlus indudio11 after culture.
3- Callw; rrcsh wci~llt (g).
4- Cal]~~:; gro\\th v;duc
5- C’alltl’- pro\\’th raiL. •’
6- Rcg<..’lll’J<lh:d pLllltlcts pcrccnt;:qJ,c 111 relation to the
w;t·d cxplants and produced c;dlus.
P’’III _ ·HI<I!’C and l”<llln~ fresh \YCiJ-dll. da_\·~ l’or callus
1!1(IJH’Illlll, callt1s grllwth valtiC. J’.rowth rate and
pL1111 rcgcnerat1n11 1\- ’\V_lLt:_a I
A-1 I~_CC~c_t of t:ctH2_lqH:~:
l ’rdlus tnductiotl pcrccnl<tgc ’’as stgniftcantly highest in
(iiza I 57 \\hdc Ciz<l 1<12. \\as the lowest.
2. (iinl J(d c.,utp<lS’-’(_·d the (llhcrs significantly in callus fresh
\\Tight ,vhil(’ (ii/a !57 was the lowest.
3. ’I ttnc for r;d/us initial roll was insignificant and Ciiza ](J3
was the f;r~>kr and Sakk1 8 appeared the altered.
l ( ,, l(l t’”, I. J[J’.(l l.·., .JI/.,1 155 a11d Sakha R surpassed the other
studied \arretics 111 callus growth value while (iiza J(J3
\vas the Jo,, c~t ,-;due.
No clear llt’tHI , olli<Jtllcd dtrrin)’. the studied period
which Srlld1a (l<.>. Giza 1 (l]. Sakha K and (iJZa I )5 \vcrc
surpassed the (l1hcr \arrctJcs in the firsL second. tl11rd
and fout11t pcriPds Ic~pcdl\cly, \vhilc (II/<l 155, Sakha
Y2 were 1!tc lnwt.’.•-1 one
5. Sakha R jll”lld\lc(’d IIW!T plants rroll\ the produced callus
\\ l11le (jJ;:J I (J.-1 \’as 11lc lll\\CSI. Sakh:1 vall dies prnduccd
more planh 11la11 ! fi.1.a ones.
/\-1-2) LITcct ul ’,,1,_1) cuncclllratl!lll:
AddHll’ I ·1 mg/ 1 -~.ii-U toMS med1a induced more
cdlu;.; pc!Ct’!!l<l}It’. C<IIIlls rre~h weight, acceleration ill ha~·..r’. 1ill111·’d c\pi<Jnls (lJ’ the 1nduccd callus, as
conrp:111 d ”” 1th other added conccnllatwns 2,0, 2 5 and
/.0 rH:’ !. rc-;pccti\cly
1\-1--3) _JJ(q·t o_f_llll~_rastion between gcn_gJ_)’JH.~_ _ :_I!l~l _ 2~·f::.U
_CO) I L t’ r 1 {_raj _l_llll.L
/. Callu:-; induct1on percentage w<ls higher in (iizn 16~1 at the
conccllll:llion of I:) mg/1 2,4-fJ while Ciiza /(J] at 1.0
mg/1 ”-1’· tile illWCS1.
J Giza ! r,: at I 5 ruv/! 2,’1-JJ snrpasscd tile others in callus
fresh ’\’’’1~111 ”hilc.sf (I/(J2 at I 0 nq~/1 was the lowes!.
J. lnducJJ1~’ \.·;d/w~ faster \\”<IS occurred in Ci I (d at 1.5 mg/1
and in : .. rU1a ,I\ at 1.0 lll)!.i’l 2A-D
if llighc1 :1nd !Pwc-r callus growth value was obtained in
Saklia ,’: ’11 <I IJlgil 2,·1-1> ”’”I ,\aklia (>0 al 1.5 mg/1:
~.:allus rrn,\th Jate 111 Saklla (1q in 1.5 rng!J and 2 0 mg/1
_”) Nu!llbcr 11f pr,,d,rccd pi<Jnlll’!.c; frnJJJ c:J/Ioc; \\·<:JS lhc l1i~~hesl
111 (;i/;! J t1 I :H I ~ llJ.[2/l -~,--J-D, and the l<nvcst \\’as in
Sakh<l ~: ,:J _) ll rrq2/l .’,-1-1>, \vlicn colllllcd 1111 tiJc bnsrs of
nurnbc1 nl 1’\pl:111ls 01 the IIHiuccd callus !\-’1- CQI_T_elatioH 5tudi_es.
,]-1- \(n!_g_l~ cot rcVJttruL~JH:fTicicnt:
”llw sllllplc corrclatton coefficient between callus
inducti(ltl pctccntagl’ and days for C<llltts initiation, callus
gnnvth ’:llue and lltJmbcr of produced plant lets vvcre
ncgati\-l’. calltts fresh \\Ieight and callus 1-!IO\vth rate \\”as
positive duri11g the period C:\tcndcd to four weeks of
subcullltTT and then become negative.
’1- 2- Multi p l_c c 9 rrc Ia l i OllS()_£Hl~Ll’llL
M11ltipk correlation coefficient studies indicated
that producitJ_l! more wheat plantlets occurred through
producint~ nwrc callus with less fresh \vcight initiated
latcrh l1avinp, much growth value and grcnvth rate during:
the rirst lour weeks of subculture.
;\-2) Anther culture -- --~-·- - --
(fit<l ](,) and (117<1 l”i’-’ had the highest and ](nvest
pcrccnl<ll~Cs, respectively’. of the callt!S percentage
prodttl”C’I frt~lll anther cttlturc ·1 he diflctTilCC bct\vccn
varictic:, was ’-’ignif’icant. A-2-2) Effect of 2,4-D concentration:
Statistically significant results were obtained
between callus percentage and 2,4-D concentrations
where· 1.5 mg/1 2,4’-D was produced the highest and
followed by 1.0 and 2.0 mg/l, respectively.
A-2-3) Effect of interaction between genotype and 2,4-D
Giza 163 at !.5 mg/l 2,4-D produced the highest
percentage of calli derived from anther culture, whiles!
Giza 164 at 2.0 mg/l was the lowest.
!I- Barley immature embryo
Il-l) Effect of genotype:
I. Callus induction percentage was the highest in Giza 12!
while Giza 124 was the lower.
2. Giza 124 surpassed the others rn callus fresh weight
whileGiza 121 was the lowest.
3. Giza !23 was the fastest and Giza I 2 I appeared the
altered in time for callus initiation.
4. Giza 124 surpassed the other studied varieties in callus
growth value while Giza !23 was the lowest value.
5. No clear trend was obtained during the studied periods
which Giza 121, Giza I 23, Giza 124 and Giza I 23 were
surpassed in the fist, second, third a11;d fourth periods
-:·- !Cspccf’\’, 1\, 1 ’.hllc (ill<! I J.J. (Ji;:a I ’I. (JI/a 121 a11d
(/1/<l I-~ l ’”’ere the lo\\·cst UIIL’
(, < ii;:;J I’; <111d (ii;:;r 121 produced more plants w/JCJJ
counted (ljJ til(’ bas1s of nunJbcr of” cxplants <ll!d counted
Oil the !Ja:-;1;.; of c;J]]us llUillbCr.
11~2) _L~ffcct of_-2,.’1_-J) COIJJ.’CIItration
/\dding .’i lll_l’.~l 2,·1--IJ toMS media induced more callus
induci!Pil JH.’rt’t’!JI<l[!C. callus rresiJ \VCigiJL ;lCcelcr;~tioll Ill
c<1llus rnlfl;l!J(lll, cnlllls growth valnc :111d growth rate at
the dillcrcnt ,1;1ovvth penods, pcn::cnlagc of produced
pJanfJcj<; (l]l f]H:: h<JSiS Of induced caJJus VViJiJc 2.0 111g/J
2,~1-D Jnoduccd 111orc percentage plantlet~ on the basis of
lllllllbCT of C’\pJants.
conccntral ions.
(Ji:;a 1 ’\ at 1.5 nJg/1 2,·1-/) produced higltcr callus
illdncti1111 j)CIT•’Ill<lgl’, d<J\’:.; for ca/luc; initi:tliOII <llld
rJtllni>cr ,,r pLrrrts lr(\Jit 1nduccd c:tllw~ pr(ldtrccd rrom
Illllltalu!c ’.’!lllll\os \\hrk (JJ/;t (Ji.7.<1 12-·! I 0 mg/1 \V<ts the
Z. Sii!,llii”Je<ltll dJf/cJencc was ol>l;!lned /’or callus growth
yaJuc, 1hc hrgh,’Sl value scored with Cirza 12<1 x 1.0 mg/1
),:~-D <tlld the IP\vesl one \\’as (lt/<1 I ),1 ” 1.5 mg/1 2,,1-D. J l hL’ calltl;, l ro\\111 rate ~honed :->lgllll”icanj 1r:spon:;c 111 the
th1rd ~llld f”Plltlll pt_:riud \d11lc tn.’>igtllficant response 111 t!Jc
fi1 st and ’>cL·nnd p•:riod
II-4- ~-’ Q_It~lilti {_) [1 \I l! ~_l!_L ’ ~; _:_
~~-I- CQIJJ;la_ti_orJ ~_9elli~;i_cn_l
Positive L’ort e/;1tron bci\VCCII ca/lns induction and callus
gnnvth r<llc ell rirst and scnmd periods while ncgat1vc
correlation 111 the third :111d futtrjh periods.
2. Callus induction had negative correlated \vith callus fresh
\\-·eight, dayc: ror \’alltls tnitiation, callus gro\vth vnluc and
plant rcgcncr<Jii(lll
iJ-2- Multiple C(Hrcl<ltton l’oe!Ticicnt studies indicated that
lllore baric, call11s JHPduccd with heavy \vcight initiated
in less pt.:Itud ha\ ing nwre callus growth value and grew
sluwcly dullll,i! nil’ first su\lculturc \\•cck <llld going faster
durnig the followed perrods \\ere shown to 111orc active in
producing lllnre plantlcts
Ill- Ma1zc
111-1- UI<;c_l _ ()’-t:cnotypc
Pcrccnlag(’ ’’:lllu...; tlldul!Jotl W<l” higher in (]Eza] 10 while
’t’cllo\v J\HI0\111 \\’;1·, the lo\\Cr. !Cspccf’\’, 1\, 1 ’.hllc (ill<! I J.J. (Ji;:a I ’I. (JI/a 121 a11d
(/1/<l I- l ’”’ere the lo\\·cst UIIL’
< ii;:;J I’; <111d (ii;:;r 121 produced more plants w/JCJJ counted (ljJ
til(’ bas1s of nunJbcr of” cxplants <ll!d counted Oil the !Ja:-;1;.; of c;J]]us llUillbCr.
2) _L ffcct of_-2,.’1_-J) COIJJ.’CIItration
/\dding .’i lll_l’. l 2,·1--IJ toMS media induced more callus induci!Pil
JH.’rt’t’!JI<l[!C. callus rresiJ \VCigiJL ;lCcelcr; tioll Ill c<1llus rnlfl;l!J(lll, cnlllls
growth valnc :111d growth rate at the dillcrcnt ,1 ;1ovvth penods, pcn::cnlagc of
produced pJanfJcj<; (l]l f]H:: h<JSiS Of induced caJJus VViJiJc 2.0 111g/J
2, 1-D Jnoduccd 111orc percentage plantleton the basis of lllllllbCT of C’\pJants.

conccntral ions.
(Ji:;a 1 ’\ at 1.5 nJg/1 2,·1-/) produced higltcr callus illdncti1111
j)CIT•’Ill<lgl’, d<J\’:.; for ca/luc; initi:tliOII <llld rJtllni>cr ,,r pLrrrts
lr(\Jit 1nduccd c:tllw pr(ldtrccd rrom Illllltalu!c ’.’!lllll\os \\hrk (JJ/;t
(Ji.7.<1 12-·! I 0 mg/1 \V<ts the luvvcst.
Z. Sii!,llii”Je<ltll dJf/cJencc was ol>l;!lned /’or callus growth
yaJuc, 1hc hrgh,’Sl value scored with Cirza 12<1 x 1.0 mg/1
),: -D <tlld the IP\vesl one \\’as (lt/<1 I ),1 ” 1.5 mg/1 2,,1-D.

l hL’ calltl;, l ro\\111 rate honed :->lgllll”icanj 1r:spon:;c 111 the th1rd llld f”Plltlll
pt_:riud \d11lc tn.’>igtllficant response 111 t!Jc fi1 st and ’>cL·nnd p•:riod
-’Q_It lilti{_) [ 1 \I l! _l!L_’ ; _:_ CQIJJ;la_ti_orJ _9elli ;i_cn_l
Positive L’ort e/;1tron bci\VCCII ca/lns induction and callus gnnvth r<llc ell rirst
and scnmd periods while ncgat1vc correlation 111 the third :111d futtrjh periods.
Callus induction had negative correlated \vith callus fresh
\\-·eight, dayc: ror \’alltls tnitiation, callus gro\vth vnluc and plant rcgcncr<Jii(lll
Multiple C(Hrcl<ltton l’oe!Ticicnt studies indicated that lllore baric, call11s JHPduccd
with heavy \vcight initiated in less pt.:Itud ha\ ing nwre callus growth value and grew
sluwcly dullll,i! nil’ first su\lculturc \\•cck <llld going faster durnig the followed
perrods \\ere shown to 111orc active in producing lllnre plantlcts
- UI<;c_l ()’-t:cnotypc
Pcrccnlag(’ ’’:lllu...; tlldul!Jotl W<l” higher in (]Eza] 10 while
’t’cllo\v J\HI0\111 \\’;1·, the lo\\Cr.

\\CighL ,Jifu:- 1-!rO\\IIt ralc and j)IOdUCl’d plalllkls
YcJIO\\ \1}1()!111 \\<1”’ tllc raster Ill the calfus initiation
\vlllic (,J,a .110 \Vas the latest one.

-2- Lfl ct of 2 -Ll>_cuJ_l Cl!ll:<JJIJJ)l
1- Adding ’0 Jlli .!J 2,’1--D toMS medi;J indnccd more c:1llus i!lduction pcrn·ntagc.
callus fresh weight, acceleration of callus ir11riatiPn, c;lllus grnwth value, growth
rate and plnntkf’> percentage on tl1c basis of induced callus or basis of’ lllllllbCI
of cxpJnnts.
-J- E ffe; 0 r j II lcj’a c I iOil ll_<; L\YS: Cjl_g <;_IIJ!1J’Jg.’_<l_ll_g L1_- L)
c Q!!c cnJI at itl ll_ .
1. Giza Jccordcd the highest and lo\\TSI lor callus induction pcrccntage at
tiJc 2,4-D CUlH:CIItrnli<lllS of 2.0 and 5.0nq, I. ’’’·’’IH:cli\ely
: . !’he insr?nrric:Jnt diffcrcJlcc bct\vccn callus fresh weight
:JrHI dillcJTJ11 CPJICCJIIJ;l!JOII:-. or 2,·1-D but hrghest and
lo\VCSI frc;IJ \\VIght \\’CJ”C obtained 111 (iJ’I:a J. at)_() mg/J
and 310 ;rf -, () Jllg/1 re pcctrvcly.
_;_ Fclstcr ;111d lon ;t’r in 1nlliati{lll was that of (li:.t_;l 2 at
-z 0 IIIJ!II ;1nd J /0 ;Jt 5 rng/ 2.4-D_ rcspl’cli\·c/y.
4. Callus ! l”!)”th ,,Jlul’ \\a:.; ;l :-;rgnificant effect whC’rc (ii/a
310 x 5 ”’ ’’’
:;:, (”:JIIuc; ’!(”.··lh r,1te <Jlkc!cd ;-.JgJJJricanth 111 the f1rst and
”il’CUIHI ll,-IH>tb ,,( gro\’.lh by d1llerlllg le\d::-. of -f-J) <lJHl
J1Cil’\.’lllagc orJ’!oduccd plrlntlcts, \Vhilc Yl llow J\illOllll X
5 mg/1 2,1-11 had !he lowest one.
11-4- ’LJrr<;._l_ _t_it!J! st_udl :’?_
4-1- i_l!!ill. _COJI e_l rr_tioq- _!_tc[[ici_c_nt
a posil1\,. Clllrelation cociTicicnt between callus induction :1nd days fo1
callus i11itiation en/Ius growth valt1c and caiJuc; gro\\tll r:1te at first and
fuurt!J periods
\Vllilc ncg:drYc correlation rn the second arHI third periods.
7 C’<lllus llltlllt·t,(lll hnd JH.:gali\T correlation wllh callus
fresh \veq ht :11ul idant regeneration.
il-2- f’v1ultiplc corrcLI(ion cocllit:iL·nt stndics intlicated that HJPI”C prPdnctJoll
of n1aizc plantlcts can be obtained tlnough JHIHlnclll! lllnrc crdlus inil1atcd
c;1rly \\’lth lllllrc ncigllt ;11111 I’IT 1 \ LJ’>fi_T \\hen ’ilthsultiiiL”d
during the
period fll’lll : f,, .1 \\’l’Cks Dr subculture only ;liHIIrav
less rcJ\\ 111 ’a Itt\: