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Some studies on colibacillosis of friesian calves in dumyat governorate /
Dawood, Fawzy Zaky.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / فوزي زكي داوود
مشرف / فاروق عطية معوض البلكيمي
مناقش / ممدوح فهمي المكاوي
مناقش / محمد إبراهيم عمار
Cattle Diseases. Friesian cattle.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
128 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الطب البيطري - infectious diseases
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The study was applied to investigate the presence of E. coli strains in newly born Friesian calves and their role in calf diarrhoea, and illustration of the electrophoretic patterns of serum proteins in diarrhoeic and apparently healthy Friesian calves in Dumyat Province from Junuary, 1990-February, 1991, as well as determination of immuno-status of calves at birth just before and after ingesting of colostrum, finally testing the sensitivity of isolated strains of E. coli to different probable antibiotics and chemotherapeutic agents. The procedures of this study was carried out as
Experiment /11:
Divided into 2 procedures:
(1)For bacteriological examination of faecal swabs of 96 Friesian calves of which 52 diarrhoeic and 44 apparently healthy calves. from diarrhoeic calves 37 E. coli strains could be isolated and 28 strains from apparently healthy calves. 51.3% of the isolated strains could be serologically typed into serogroups 026, 0125, 0128, and 0124 in diarrhoeic calves, whereas 46.4% could be typed into the same serogroups in apparently healthy calves. 42.9% strains could not be typed from apparently healthy calves and 37.8% could not be typed from diarrhoeic calves. About 10% were found to be rough strains
between each group.
(2)Electrophoretic studies of serum proteins:
A total of 27 Friesian calves confirmed to be infected with E. coli (18 from neonatal diarrhoeic in comparison with 9 apparently
healthy) were electrophoretically studied.
It had been found that the blood serum electrophoretogram of calves with colibacillosis revealed a significant low levels of total serum proteins, gamma-globulin concentration as compared with the apparently healthy ones, but no significant difference in albumin, alpha, and beta globulin. Consisted of 4 neonatal Friesian calves whose serum samples monitored electrophoretically just after birth presuckling and after stickling colostrum, 24 hours of birth and revealed no gamma-globulins in calves before suckling colostrum and elevated levels of gamma-globulins in the same calves after ingesting colostrum.
Experiment gap
When investigating the sensitivity of isolated E. coli strains to different antibiotic and chemotherapeutic agents, in vitro, it has been found that, the isolated E. coli serotypes were sensitive to flumequine, chloramphenicol, nitrofuran and kanamycin.
Although E. coli is a normal inhabitant of the intestinal tract yet certain enteropathogenic E. coli strains could effect the health condition of newborn calves specially if the animal is confronted sum adverse conditions. This work also emphasize the role played by gamma-globulins in the protection of calves from colibacillosis and so the colostrum which is considered to be the natural source for raising the immune status of the new born, must be given to calves as soon as possible after birth, and one can estimate the immune status of every farm by determining the gamma-globulins level in its newly born calves.