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Effect of the system of soil management on vegetative growth , yield mid fruit quality of washington navel orange trees /
Zafaraney, Bahgat Mahmoud Helail.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Bahgat Mahmoud Helail Zafaraney
مشرف / Isaam A. H. Abd Alla
مناقش / Ehab Y. Youssef
مناقش / Abu-Baker Z. Abd El-Aziz
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
170 P. :
علوم النبات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الزراعة - نبات
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 174


Clsa11oultivation ana. 80i1 maJ1agement praotices in fruit
orchards is considered the most expensive fruit produotion
pract;l.oe owillgto the continuous increase in. la.bour cost
al3d the pr:!JJl;l.tive methOdsa.pplied. It is nowrecognized
that the effeeieXlCr of clean cultivation in oontrolling
weeds and maintaining soil moisture and fertilitY’ is not
sufficieni17 enough to justify the costs of these opera;ti ons-
Since navel orange trees suffer’ in man3’years excessive
fruit let DROP, owing to the sensetivi ty of these trees to
ennroDJDentaJ.streese s ( particularly water stre •• ) during
the ori tical periods of young fruit development. Therefore
8J17 cultural operation that can maintsin a favoura’Dle tree
water ’bal~oe m&1’ help in reduoing the severi tj” of f’rui tlet
DROPs, and aa.1 contribute to ~er yields. It is believed
that the development of a suitable syste.w.of s oil management
can be beneficial in this respeot. This investigation was
uwier taken to study the effect of the s~tem of 80i1
managementon weed control, vegetative g1”Owth, leaf’ nutrient
content, frUit set ,fruit d1’OP aIld yield as well as the fruit
qusJ.ity of ’IuMDgton navel Orangetrees. Fifty trees nearl1
similar in their growth vigour were devoted for this study-
Eacl1 treatment was represented lIy ten trees. These treatment.
1) Clean cultivation” control’” carried out three times
throughout the year b1 hand hoeing.
2) lIulch treatment the s011 under the trees was kept covered
the &ole year with rice siraw mulch to the thicknesS
of abou~ ].0-J.5 om~,
:3• Hel’b:lD1da1 aPplication I ~he first herbicide treatmen ta
were tlPp11ed 1a ear11 Febru&r1 within the specitied
a. Da1apOJL ”DowpOI1 ”5”+ Paraquat” Graaoxone”: paraquat
at 1.5 L/ feddan in 100 L, followed b1 aalapon at
:3 Kc/feddan in JOOLsprayed on the rene-d weeds
and after that with 10 d83!J&11 add1tioDl spraY’
of dalapoa at 3 Kc in )00 L took place. OnlJ’ one
aprar was used dur!rJg· the ,mole se&8011.
b~: Broaacll ” B.J”t&r’ X + DiuroJl ” Ka1’mex”. broll&cil at
3 Kc+ d1uroa at 1 Kg in 600 L/feddaJl were 8prfl38d 0. t.u srowi».C weeds. Only one spras was use d dUr1nC
the wRole growiaC season.
o~’ DalOOJl” DoIrpOIl’ s”+ Bromac1l” RJ’Vartx”: da1apon
at :3 1&/ teddaJ1 1Jl 300 L, followed ’b7 b1”OJB&C11 at
2 K&lfeddaa in 400 L, in a a.quant1al application
after 15 dais. 0nl3’ one spr&7 was us.d dur1DCthe
poiILll& se•• on. Treatlaents started FebruarY’ 1978~
Data •• re obtained d,urinc 1979 and 1980.
The results Goulet be summarized as follow’
A.. Weeds
DDnaJ .e48 were coaplete17 oontrolled by. rice
astra. auloll., .4 lI.erbio1de treat.Il’li8, wld1e clean