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Comparative Study of Serum Insulin and Insulin Like Growth Factor-1 Concentration in Preeclamptic and Heealthy Pregnant Women as a Predictor of Severity and Neonatal Outcome /
Mohammed, Eman Hassan.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / إيمان حسن محمد
مشرف / حسام الدين شوقى
مشرف / هانى حسن كامل
مشرف / عماد الدين مصطفى صلاح
Pregnancy - Care and treatment.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
96 P. :
أمراض النساء والتوليد
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنيا - كلية الطب - Obstetrics & Gynecology Department
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Insulin-like growth ’factor I (IGF-I) is a polypeptide protein hormone similar in molecular structure to insulin. It plays an important role in childhood growth and continues to have anabolic effects in adults (Velcheti, Govindan,2006).
Almost every cell in the human body is affected by IGF-I, In addition to .the insulin-like effects, IGF-I can also regulate cell growth and development (Velcheti, Govindan,2006).
Insulin-like growth factor-I regulated by growth hormone (GH) (Velcheti et al.,2006). But during gestation, IGF-I production is regulated by placental growth hormone (Chard,1994).
IGF-l has a role as facilitating molecule for implantation of endometriuma embryo during IVF (in vitro fertilization) (Lighten et al.,1998).
It was also proved that cytotrophoblast proliferation is enhanced by IGFFI/IGF-II and that both factors can rescue cytotrophoblast from apoptosis (Forbes et al.,2008). Thus, IGF-I is a good determinant for a healthy pregnancy.
It is reported that preeclampsia has a relationship with levels of low IGF-I (Innes Byers et al.,1999); Preeclampsia may contribute to the observed IGF-I reduction, either as part of the underlying causes of preeclampsia, or as a consequence of the disease (Vatten et al.,2002).
Low IGF-I levels may cause restricted placental and fetal growth (Halhali et al.,2004); Fetal growth restriction caused by severe or early preeclampsia is associated with lower umbilical levels of IGF-I than low bilth weight caused by other conditions (Vatten et al.,2002).
On the other hand, it is known that insulinresistarice occurs III preeclampsia (Al1i11l-Nyame et a/., 2000) ; Similarities in certain biochemical variables between preeclampsia and the insulin resistance syndrome imply a possible link between insulin resistance and preeclampsia (Kaaja et a/.,1999).
Also the usual onset of PIH (pregnancy induced HTN) in late pregnancy time when the insulin resistance characteristic of pregnancy is maximal supports. a possible association (Kuhl,1991) . In addition, increased risks for preeclampsia and/or gestational hypertension hav.e been reported with several conditions associated with insulin resistance. These include gestational diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome, obesity, and increased weight gain (See/y, S%mol1,2003).
In 2002 Batiha et al proved that insulin resistance increases in gestational hypertension and it does not exist in preeclampsia (Bartha et a/.,2002).
In another document, there was no association between resistance to insulin and hypertension has been confirmed and the former has been regarded as a phenomenon connected to all pregnancies that takes place during the third trimester (Gutierrez et a/.,2003).
In this work, 30 preeclamptic pregnant (20 mild & 10 sever) diagnosed at third trimester were compared to 15 healthy pregnant who did not have any maternal illness at third trimester; and IGF-I, Insulin levels and FBG (fasting blood glucose) / Insulin rate were evaluated and the relationship between these values was determined; also IGF-l in the umbilical cord serum was measured and the study tried to determine if it has a correlation with birth weight or not.
Comparing maternal IGF-I levels of the two groups revealed that; plasma levels of IGF-l were lower in preeclampsia group and the difference is significant (p=O.OOOI).