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Road traffic accidents in sohag governorate /
Ali, Emad Ali Ahmed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / عماد على احمد على
مشرف / علاء الدين حسن محمد
مشرف / نبيل يوسف صلاح الدين ابوالدهب
مشرف / احمد عيسى احمد
مناقش / سامى محمد عثمان
مناقش / محمد خليل ابوالمجد
General Surgery.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
174 P. :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة سوهاج - كلية الطب - الجراحة عامة
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Actions for road safety What governments can do
a) Institutional development
• Make road safety a political priority.
• Appoint a lead agency for road safety, give it adequate resources, and make it publicly accountable.
• Develop a multidisciplinary approach to road safety.
• Set appropriate road safety targets and establish national road safety plans to achieve them.
• Support the creation of safety advocacy groups.
• Create budgets for road safety and increase investment in demonstrably effective road safety activities.
b) Policy, legislation and enforcement
• Enact and enforce legislation requiring the use of seat-belts and child restraints, and the wearing of motorcycle helmets and bicycle helmets.
• Enact and enforce legislation to prevent alcohol-impaired driving.
• Set and enforce appropriate speed limits.
• Set and enforce strong and uniform vehicle safety standards.
• Ensure that road safety considerations are embedded in environmental and other assessments for new projects and in the evaluation of transport policies and plans.
• Establish data collection systems designed to collect and analyse data and use the data to improve safety.
• Set appropriate design standards for roads that promote safety for all.
• Manage infrastructure to promote safety for all.
• Provide efficient, safe and affordable public transport services.
• Encourage walking and the use of bicycles.
What public health can do
• Include road safety in health promotion and disease prevention activities.
• Set goals for the elimination of unacceptable health losses arising from road traffic crashes.
• Systematically collect health-related data on the magnitude, characteristics and consequences of road traffic crashes.
• Support research on risk factors and on the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of effective interventions, including improved care.
• Promote capacity building in all areas of road safety and the management of survivors of road traffic crashes.
• Translate effective science-based information into policies and practices that protect vehicle occupants and vulnerable road users.
• Strengthen pre-hospital and hospital care as well as rehabilitation services for all trauma victims.
• Develop trauma care skills of medical personnel at the primary, district and tertiary health care levels.
• Promote the further integration of health and safety concerns into transport policies and develop methods to facilitate this, such as integrated assessments.
• Campaign for greater attention to road safety, based on the known health impact and costs.
What vehicle manufacturers can do
• Ensure that all motor vehicles meet safety standards set for high-income countries – regardless of where the vehicles are made, sold or used – including the provision of seat-belts and other basic safety equipment.
• Begin manufacturing vehicles with safer vehicle fronts, so as to reduce injury to vulnerable road users.
• Continue to improve vehicle safety by ongoing research and development.
• Advertise and market vehicles responsibly by emphasizing safety.
What donors can do
• Highlight the improvement of road safety outcomes as a global development priority.
• Include road safety components in grants for health, transport, environmental and educational programmes.
• Promote the design of safe infrastructure.
• Support research, programmes and policies on road safety in low-income and middle-income countries.
• Make funding for transport infrastructure projects conditional on the completion of a safety audit and any follow-up required.
• Set up mechanisms to fund the sharing of knowledge and the promotion of road safety in developing countries.
• Facilitate safety management capacity building at regional and national levels.
What communities, civil society groups and individuals can do
• Encourage governments to make the roads safe.
• Identify local safety problems.
• Help plan safe and efficient transport systems that accommodate drivers as well as vulnerable road users, such as bicyclists and pedestrians.
• Demand the provision of safety features, such as seat-belts, in cars.
• Encourage enforcement of traffic safety laws and regulations, and campaign for firm and swift punishment for traffic offenders.
• Behave responsibly by:
— Abiding by the speed limit on roads;
— Never driving when over the legal alcohol limit;
— Always wearing a seat-belt and properly restraining children, even on short trips;
— Wearing a crash helmet when riding a two-wheeler