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Pathological and clinicopathological studies on acute fowl typhoid in broilers /
Ibrahim, Ahmed Fotouh Abdalla.
Fowl typhoid. Pathology. Broilers (Chickens.
تاريخ النشر
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132 p. :
تاريخ الإجازة
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جامعة بنها - كلية الطب البيطري - pathology
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the present study was conducted to describe both gross and histopathological lesions associated with natural salmonella infection among 128 chicken farms at Sharkia and Dakahlia governorates, in addition, experimental infection with S. gallinarum strains via crop gavage in one - day - old chicks to study the acute fowl typhoid in broilers, one hundred and eight broiler’s and layer’s farms of age between 1day - 13 months old at Sharkia and Dakahlia governorates were examined for demonstration of natural Salmonella infection, the incidence of Salmonella infection in Dakahlia (9.7%) was slightly higher than Sharkia (7.1%). Salmonella serotypes ; and S. derby were isolated from theses natural cases, Salmonella gallinarum was isolated from two broiler chicks’ farms of age 3 - 6 days, the clinical signs of morbid chicks were white yellowish diarrhoea, pasty vent, tendency of birds to huddle together near the source of heat, omphalitis and gasping of air, mortality rates were ranged from 8.4% to 9.8% macroscopically, the naturally S. gallinarum infected chicks complicated with E. coli and proteus, showed congestion of lungs, heart and liver the liver was swollen and showed small white necrotic foci, the microscopical examination of liver of naturally S. gallinarum infected chicks revealed congestion, focal hepatic necrosis with focal aggregation of inflammatory cells mainly lymphocytes and bile ductal hyperplasia, moreover, fibrinous perihepatitis with scattered multiple granulomas in the hepatic capsules were seen in some cases, the examined heart of naturally S. gallinarum infected chicks showed fibrinous pericarditis with granulomatous reaction within pericardium, in addition, focal aggregation of mononuclear cells in between myocardium and focal myomalacia were also detected the examined lungs of naturally S. gallinarum infected chicks showed severe congestion of pulmonary blood vessels with perivascular and intra - arterial oedema, inflammatory cellular infiltration mainly lymphocytes with accumulation of inflammatory exudates in the parabronchi was also seen fteritis manifested by congestion, desquamation of mucosal epithelium, activation of goblet cells and mononuclear cellular infiltration of lamina propria was prevalent in intestines of naturally S. gallinarum infected chicks, salmonella paratyphoid including S. kentucky, S. typhimurium and S. derby were isolated from nine broiler’s and layer’s farms at Sharkia and Dakahlia governorates, the clinical signs of morbid chicks and broilers were anorexia, weakness, sleepy appearance, depression, huddle together, chalk white viscous excreta and rapid breathing, macroscopically congestion of liver and intestines, while in broilers bronzy greenish colouration of liver and cecal cores were reported, in layers, congestion of lungs, mild enlargement of liver with slight thickening of capsule was observed, microscopical examination of liver of chicks naturally infected with paratyphoid salmonellae revealed hepatic congestion and degeneration of hepatocytes, in broilers, thrombosis of some portal blood vessels, bile ductal hyperplasia and perihepatitis were prevalent, in layers thickening of hepatic capsule with formation of some granuloma and multiple areas of hepatic necrosis were reported the examined heart of chicks, broilers and layers naturally infected with paratyphoid salmonellae revealed nearly similar lesions in the form of congestion and pericarditis with formation of granuloma in pericardium of some examined heart the microscopic findings in the examined lungs of chicks showed congestion and focal heamorrhages while in broilers multiple granulomas and inflammatory oedema were seen, moreover, in layers pulmonary thrombosis with granulomas in pulmonary tissue, intra-arterial oedema and inflammatory cellular infiltration were observed, enteritis characterized by congestion, inflammatory cellular infiltration, and destruction of intestinal villi and activation of goblet cells was the main microscopical finding in examined intestines of chicks, broilers and layers naturally infected with paratyphoid salmonellae, the most of salmonella spp, were sensitive to enrofloxacine (81.8%), cefotaxim (72.7%), neomycin and colistin (63.6%) and amoxicillin (54.5%).one hundred and forty of one day - old hubbard broiler chicks were used in experiment to investigate the macroscopical, histopathological reactions and clinicopathological alterations induced upon inoculation of S. gallinarum strain by crop gavage. dullness, ruffled feather, DROPping, huddled together, white pasty diarrhea, loss of appetite, decrease in feed intake and depression were the main recorded clinical signs, mortality rare was 24.4%, grossly, septicemic lesions represented by severe congestion of internal organs particularly intestine, heart and lungs were predominant in the early stage of experimental infection, later on, polyserositis in form of pericarditis and perihepatitis was recorded, liver was yellowish with reddish areas on its surfaces, the microscopic findings of the examined liver revealed congestion and thrombosis, focal hemorrhages with hepatic degenerative changes and necrosis, mononuclear inflammatory cellular infiltration with aggregation of bluish masses of bacterial colonies were scattered in hepatic parenchyma, thickening of glissonian’s capsule with bile ductal hyperplasia were also detected, fibrinous pericarditis and granulomatous pericarditis with inflammatory cellular infiltration in between cardiac muscles were microscopically seen in the examined heart, pulmonary congestion and thrombosis with focal hemorrhages and perivascular edema were prevalent in the examined lungs, while in some examined lungs, many granulomas and were seen. moreover, focal caseous necrosis was detected in some examined lungs, the intestines showed congestion with desquamation of villar epithelium and activation of goblet cells together with inflammatory cellular infiltration of lamina propria and submucosa, for clinicopathological, studies collection of samples from five birds from each group was performed at zero time, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 14th, 21th and 28th dpi. for haematological examination, serum for biochemical analysis the result of erytherogram revealed macrocytic hypochromic anaemia, regarding to the results of leukogram, significant leuckocytosis and heterophilia were observed without significant changes in monocytes, significant hypoprotinemia and hypoalbuminemia with increase in a/g ratio and significant decrease globulins were observed, activities of ast and alt, creatinine and uric acid showed significant increase, while concentration of iron showed significant decrease.