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Text and Context in Selected Plays by Edward Albee :
El-Nomanei, Ahmed Abdel Rahman.
English Plays. English literature.
تاريخ النشر
2010 .
عدد الصفحات
194 P. ;
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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This study attempts to examine Albee’s dramatic vision of modern man and his problems. It also attempts to unveil how he has succeeded to be original in tackling themes which had been treated by his predecessors and how he differs in dealing with the basic concepts and themes relating to modern man such as alienation, lack of communication and illusion and reality. This is done through a discussion of selected plays written by Albee, namely, The Zoo Story, The American Dream and Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? These plays are deemed to be Albee’s masterpieces. In other words, this thesis seeks to trace the development of Albee’s treatment of the themes concerning modern man and society and how he conveys his vision and ideas and in turn exposing his style in writing. It also offers a clearer understanding of Albee’s choice of themes so as to expose his greatness that contributed to the uprising of the American theatre. So, the aim of this study is to recognize the problems of modern man through acknowledging that knowing the problem is the first step towards its solution.
The thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion. In the introduction, Edward Albee is to be established as one of the most famous figures in modern American drama. He has produced a large number of great plays that highly affected and caught the attention of both audience and readers. As his plays are characterized by sharp dialogue and logical situations and confrontation between characters, he is much more closely identified with the Theater of the Absurd, the European drama movement of the 1950s.
But while many critics have dealt with Albee’s plays from different points of view, particularly through literary analysis, examining his plays