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Photosensitization Processes to Control the Population of Two Dipteran Flies, Drosophila Melanogaster and Parasarcophaga argyrostoma/
Mohamed, Doaa Shehata.
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224 P. ؛
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Recently, the larvae of Sarcophagidae flies P. argyrostoma are commonly called ”flesh flies”. The adult flies visit decaying substances, faeces and also feed on flowers. Larvae normally develop in decaying meat but are also known as parasites of various animals. Flies belong to the family Sarcophagidae have received much attention due to their myiasis potential and vector of pathogens. P. argyrostoma has been reported several times in recent years as an agent of human cutaneous wounds and genitourinal (vaginal) myiasis.
At the same time D. melanogaster has been introduced to every continent of the world with one exception, Antarctica. As the name implies, the fruit flies live primarily on plant material. The adults thrive on rotting plants and fruits, while eggs are usually laid on unripened or slightly ripened fruit, so by the times the larva develop, the fruit will have just started to rot, and they can use the fruit that the egg was laid on as their primary source of nutrition. D. melanogaster is considered major pests in some area of the world for this reason.
The efficient control of these insects has long been the goal of workers in the field of insect control. Because of health and environmental consideration have limited the use of most chemical insecticides for insect control. Attention has been directed toward more safe agents like photosensitizer compounds.
The photosensitizer compounds are nontoxic and not mutagenic photoactive compounds which could be used as an effective pesticides agents, with almost no impact on the environment. These compounds accumulate within the insect bodies and following exposure of such insect to UV/visible light of the sun, induces lethal photochemical reaction and death of the target insects.
Among the most promising photosensitizer compound is Porphyrin and its analogues. Porphyrins are characterized by specific features which make them especially useful photosensitizer of biological system.
In the present study, we chose the HPD photosensitizer to control the 3rd instar larvae, male and female of P. argyrosloma and D. melanogaster.
The results revealed that the 3rd instar larvae of P. argyrostoma completely died after 4 days when exposed to 375W/m2 for 30 min. All larvae died after 3 days when exposed to the same wavelength for 60 min. In the case of increasing the intensity of light to 600W/m2, most of larvae died through 2 days. The results obtained from exposing the 3rd instar larvae to solar simulator are similar to that obtained from direct sunlight, but the later was more effective. The results revealed that the 3t4 instar \arvae -which treated ^Vi\i different concentrations ranged from 5x10”6 to 5x10”2 when exposed to direct sunlight for 30 min. The mortality percentage ranged from 0 to 12. The mortality percentage increased with the increasing of exposure period. So, the mortality percentage ranged from 0 to 100 after exposed to direct sunlight for 2 hr.
In the case of adult P. argyrostoma, the mortality percentage of males reached 11.31 when exposed to 375W/m2 for 30 min. but the mortality percentage reached 100 after 3 days of exposure period. When the exposure period increased to 60 min., the mortality percentage reached 51.147 immediately after the exposure period and the mortality percentage reached 100 after 3 days of exposure period also. When the intensity of light increased to 600W/m2, the mortality percentage reached 100 after 2 days. The results obtained from exposing of adult males to solar simulator are similar to that obtained from direct sunlight, but the later was more effective. It was found that, all adult males which treated with HPD concentration ranged from 5x10~6 to 5x10~2 when exposed to direct sunlight for 30 min. The mortality percentage ranged from 12.497 to 83.623. The mortality percentage increased with the increasing of exposure period. So, the mortality percentage ranged from 26.353 to 100 after exposed to direct sunlight for 2 hr. The results obtained for adult females of P. argyrostoma are similar to that obtained for adult males, but the adult females are more insensitive toward HPD than adult males.
The results revealed that the 3rd instar larvae of D. melanogaster when treated with 5x10~4 of HPD, the mortality percentage reached about 57 after 3 days when exposed to 375W/ra2 for 15 min. The mortality percentage reached to 79, when the, \arvae exposed to the same wavelength for 30 min. In the case of increasing the intensity of light to 600W/m2, all larvae died. The results obtained from exposing the 3rd instar larvae to solar simulator are similar to that obtained from direct sunlight, but the later was more effective. The results revealed that the 3rd instar larvae which treated with different concentrations ranged from 5xlO”8 to 5xlO”4 when exposed to direct sunlight for 15 min. The mortality percentage ranged from 21 to 58. The mortality percentage increased with the increasing of exposure period. So, the mortality percentage ranged from 45 to 100 after exposed to direct sunlight for 45 min.
In the case of adult D. melanogaster, the mortality percentage of males reached 19.667 when exposed to 375W/m2 for 15 min. but the mortality percentage reached 100 after 4 days of exposure period. When the exposure period increased to 30 min., the mortality percentage reached 40.6 immediately after the exposure period and the mortality percentage reached 100 after 3 days of exposure period. When the intensity of light increased to 600W/m2, the mortality percentage reached 100 after 2 days. The results obtained from exposing of adult males to solar simulator are similar to that obtained from direct sunlight, but the later was more effective. It was found that, all adult males which treated with HPD concentration ranged from 5x10”8 to 5x10”4 when exposed to direct sunlight for 15 min. The mortality percentage ranged from 9.02 to 52.147. The mortality percentage increased with the increasing of exposure period. So, the mortality percentage ranged from 41.627 to 93.1 after exposed to direct sunlight for 45min. The results obtained revealed no significant difference between adult females and males of D. melanogaster.
The effect of HPD on the activity of some antioxidants and detoxification enzymes which involved in insecticidal resistance of 3rd instar larvae, males and females of P. argyrostoma and D. melanogaster was studied. The data revealed a marked decrease in SOD, CAT, GST, a-E, p-E, AchE, Trehalase, Invertase, AcP, and A1P activities of treated insects when compared to untreated insects.
At the same time, the effect of HPD on the histological structure of the midgut of 3rd instar larvae and adults of P. argyrostoma was studied. The results show a marked damage at the epithelial layer of the permeable part of the midgut of both 3rd instar larvae and adults.