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Monitoring changes in water quality of some Drains at the Northern part of Delta to Assess their suitability for irrigation /
Hafez, Hafez Salah.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Hafez, Hafez Salah.
مشرف / Abbel Haleem, Ali Mohamed,
مناقش / Amer, Ahmed Fahim,
مناقش / Abbel Haleem, Ali Mohamed,
Irrigation water. Irrigation.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
124 p. :
الزراعية والعلوم البيولوجية (المتنوعة)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
اتحاد مكتبات الجامعات المصرية - أراضي
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 153


Food ecority is One of the most signitii lntaim faclIlg Our
country ope ’is ontinuou over population. This ClIl1 be
achieved through rising the efficiency of rhe present cultivated soils
and re lairning new lands. Anentions InU 1 be paid tov ards
monitoring and evaluation of soil productivity.
To face the rapidly increased on water demand irrigation
the availabl wafer supply in Egypt is supplemented by the reuse
of a ricultural drainage Wilier which isoften of I wer quality.
AfOUl d 10% of . ater di teibuted in the Nile Delta i alrcad
reused as drainage water (t\l)del Rashid et at: 2000). The
government is planing in a short term to double the amount of
irrigation water to be able to start the new extension projects.
In Egypt Edko drain system is located in .~.est He Delta
regi n, and c n idered a one (If the largest drainage . y rem in
the Nile Della. lis discharges raising up by EI.Bosseilypump
tation, Edko pump station and Barsik pump station to lake Edko
tn.CI1 freely by gravity to tile Mediterranean ca. The official
reu e through Edko irrigation pump station and the unofficial
reu e along the drain, .
The main objcctl cs of current study are to:
1· Monitor water qualify of ko drain system.
2- Evaluate the changes occurred in water quelity fora long
period (more than 20 years) to assess the stability status of
water quality and validity of reusing it for irrigation
3- ’tlld)’ the pathogenic tatus of the drainage waterin ”dko
drain system.