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دور الجمعية التعاونية الزراعية في الارشاد الزراعي في مصر /
الجمل، محمود محمد عبد الله مصطفي.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمود محمد عبد الله مصطفي الجمل
مشرف / علي امين قراعة،
مناقش / محمود محمود بدر،
مناقش / احمد كامل الرافعي
الزراعة. الجمعيات التعاونية الزراعية. الزراعة جمعيات.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
174 ص. :
الزراعية والعلوم البيولوجية (المتنوعة)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الزراعة - ارشاد زراعى
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

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from 200


A~ricultural 00- operatio. a.. ~ri8ultural .xt•••io:a
. ay&tema are co.-i.ere. t..moat 1m rtaat •••• wa1.. ..a1
. ccmmunit~s
WitlL •• v.lepm ••t of rural!.nd ita· bita:ate. nil.. tw.
of worko
SiIC. tae a~ricultural extens •• serYiee i~E~t ~i.
t consaquentl.y
.a~icultural. e~- eperatiYes wit. i • wiae .pr.a~iBC’ may Aa~e
tae eppertUDit~ tG pla~ a role i. aricuaural exte••iol at tke
Tilla,;. leTel~
a•• po••ible roles waick co-opa ca play - tArOU&A it. a~rieult-
To aetermiAe t•• exte.aioI a iYitiea wkiek aKrieultural
ural werkera- in alrieultural exte 10a worc.
worker. ef co-operati~ea pre_eAtl an4 tao•• tkeyare not
per:formi:D.@; .ow an.d. expected to bt~ per!orme4i ill. t •.• t’uture,
relate. t. t•• !ollewiA~ fiela-:
--- -~----- -------
- 2 -
I PlaAAi~&o~ a~rieultur 1 exteI8io. pre~ramea.
2 Execution of a~ricultu 1 exteAaio. pro~ramea.
3 - EYaluatioA er a~ricult a1 exteIaiOA pro,rame ••
4 - Leee.l Z’tiral leaa.rallip.
5 Ce-erdi.atiBC wit. acri ultural extenaioa aa.
TaG local autkoritiea W ieI IGVe r~late.
6 - TraDa~eriA« local proble a to tae apecialt.ts
aaQ traBMferia~ tAe solu iona to the ~armftr•.
7 - I~ormin& farmers wit. a ricultural aa« tecAAical
aspect. i. ~eAeral.
8 - To recogBize the.istrib ion ot acricultural
Werkersaccordinc to actua pertorminc .core. of tIe
exte~ion activitiea of T rioua atU~ie. fiel”.
9 - Te i«entify some particip tioA forma of acricultural
Worker8 iA c8-operatiTea itA local a«ricultural
extenaion a~ents in some ties and activiti •••
between cO-Gperati~e. ana ~icultural exte~iOD from
a~ricultural workers point ot view.
IO- To iQeAti!7 tao problema ica face tao relatiO~Aip
Tlle study was carrie .ut i. eAarkia, \lakahlia
Gkarbia, kaluobia Tae fiTe
~overnorate~ were CAOo5en Qomly.
- 3 -
A aiatriet waa aelectea fro e~c. &overnorate and
about 50 per ce.t of Co-operatiY a i. eyery aiatriat
were .eleet •• iA t”e -ample waie ameu.te. teII3 ••_
eperative. out at waica t.e .1.. werker waa &aeOSeA
~o repr.~••t eaCA co-eperative.
t.. aample iurinc the period fro aep~ember 1981 to aecember
1981. D••cripti~. statistic., ar’tkmetic meaaa, weiskted
arithmetic meana e:ad X2 •• re util zed. far B.Jlal;rZiq4lata.
TlLe r3ault. of tlte stuQ- are aummeriz.” i •.tll. fellowillC
Poillta :
I (A) - Related to the fie U wllicltacrieultural
werkers performea tkeir extension activities betweeI
”Sometimes” ~ •.le85 t1La.B”alway.’.· Tke .tu~ reYealed taat:
ta.s. fiel” were ••
- T.raD8~erinsloCalproblem. to tae speciali.t. aaa
tranaferinc tae solutioAB 0 tae farmers •
IDt’ormi.- farmers with a ’cultural and. teeDical
aspects in ceBeral~
PlaDBi-e of a~icultural e enaion procram.. •
- 5 -
Executioa of a~ricultura .xte••iQA pro~ramea, 78.76
EYaluatio~ of a~ricultur 1 extenaioA pro~amea,8’.I8
Co-ordinating wit. agric tural extenaiOB aad local
autAoritiea WkicA pro~rame5,76.1 Perce.t.
Local rural leadership, .64 PerceAt.
3 - Related to some forms of ag ’cultural workerg i»
coperatiTes Participation w’ la. local agricultUral
extension agent8 in some aetne preyious
seasoI, waa found tkat tne rcentages ot a~~icultural
workers who performed the ~o lowing aetivitiea ranged
between a miBimum of 65.49 « a maximum ot 84.07
Percents of the total. CO-Op’~ workers. Tllee&e actiVities
Were ;
8tud.;rillt; farmers probleIlUi fot” o~erccmi~ tllem.
Holdin,; exteas t on f D~:meriimeetinr;a.
CAoosin~ tk8 demonstratio exteDSioI fields and
DiBtributinc tne pubicatioD&.
Holdinc meeting. with fa ’er8 local leaders.
ProTiding the a~icultura extension. agellt with data
- 4
I - (B) - Related to the ielda wkicA a~ricultural
Workers. Performed tkeir extens’ A actiYities betweeB
”rarel;r” aJlQ leu tkan ” aometi es•• t:o•.•stu<l;yskoweu that
Executio. or a~ricu1tur 1 extanaion pra~rame~.
Evaluatio. o~ asricult
1 exteABio. pre~rame •.
~cal rural leaQeraAip.
Co - ordinatillCwitk &«r cur tUDal exte.1l8iOAand autllorities wll· .ItI.oaYe rela’te. Ro«I’ames!
2 - Related t. perce.ta~.s e~ acriculturel workers wae
betwee. menUm SJldup r tes o~ per:r0Z’llUlace ••ere
:remul as !’ellewa ••
Tranaferins local probl ma to tlL. apecialiata
8.l1d tral1.ferirL~ tIe s o utiona to tlLe farmer.;
92. 92 Percellt.
I.rorminc farmer. wit. ricultural ana t.Ca-dcal
P1SDai~ et a~icultura1 procram.a,B4.95
- 6-
and statistics about the village , its agricultural
production and problems.
Attending local couneils and authorities meetings
with extension personnel
4”, Relatad to the expected fut e participat,ion Q.t
co-operatives workers in pe fOrming extension activitiea
not p~.Bent~~ penfor~ed by. em, it was round that
those workers exp8C~ to the actlvi~es or
fields mentioned b&fore a rate more than ”rarely’”
and les s than II sometimes 1& •
ob1ems. which ~tl’ the
tivea and agricU1.tural
5- It was round also that. the
relationship between co-op
extension are as rollows :_
Only 15.04 percent spondants mentioned that
there are some problema faci g such relationship,
which are :-
Not fulfilling the pramis s of agricultural extension
Lack of agricultural
th. other facilities
The discont~nu1ty of
in the Village. for enough
Laok at financial
-ultural workers.
ion pUblications and
ope.ratives •.
Itural extension wark
s and rewards to. agric