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دراسة بعض المتغيرات الاقتصادية المحددة لدور بنوك القري في محافظةالقليوبية /
محمد، محمد رضا.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد رضا محمد
مشرف / علي امين قراعة
مناقش / صابر يس
مناقش / علي امين قراعة
بنوك التنمية الزراعية. البنوك.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
177 ص. :
العلوم الزراعية والبيولوجية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الزراعة - اقتصاد وارشاد زراعي
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 192

from 192


In Egypt the Agriculture sector is considered one of
the inportant economic sectors. All this because it save I the in creased needs of population Agriculture helps in
1 saving a great part in national income Capital lis
considered the most inportant part in a chievly the
developing agric u- ltural prog’- rames Researching problem has
range of the economic changables in villiage.a.pks doing
been represented in study some limited economic changables
for the nerle of village Banks in kaluibia.
The aim of research is summarised in covering the
.of,. ; •.~•,~ rr .
their trus’t’rales. study consists of four db~.Fs be.ide
the preface which contains the research jproplem its ai.s
and the summary of farmer studies. chapter one contains
Agricultural traust in Egypt. it also points to agriculture
importance in Egyptian ecomay and the kind of prooluction
beginning with Agricultlure trust before 193:1 It was
and agriculture truat principles. Then it refflectL the
agriculture trust Mov••ent in Egypt. through 3 stage.
obvious that there .asn’t Aagriculture trust. The second
the cooperative a9Tlcu~~.1 trust progr••••
stage begins (1931 1964) by building tbe lending bank in
(19331) and its ailftvas encouraging Comoperative IROve••e•nt
f 011owed by sallesy.t••• ~ vi ll1&g.. BaDka.~ general
agriculture produci:ion f;ooperattve IDftti:~ioD
. -.~ -- •.•..•c.
agriculturrrrrre prod uctloD •• fte .1rcl .~
J -----------~------------------
(1964/76) In this stage The Bank is vaschanged Egyptian
institution for and agriculture trust in (1964) The
institution works were summarized in trust comonanding. In
1976 ( 117 law) established General developed and
Agricultural trust Bank. The second chopter discusses
agricultural trust. act.ivit.yst.udy and the estimat.ed
development of t.heagrieultural advancing in kalubiya (
1976/77 1988/89) This is for short term and mlddleterm
loons, in its difference, and the investigated loans. The
agriculltural trust activity for the viI loge banks. showed
that the trusts services includes all the farmers This
service depends on the custmor j productive activity. The
study shows I long term, middle term ( the most importont
and longterm looans. Theae loans gives the production needs
which are given speciment speciment loans dep.nds on the
agriculture ministry technical decisions, and the Bank
balances But the loan size dep.nds on the financet.rust,
The bank fluidity and the cus~or guarant.e. The middle -
t.erm loans are yiv.n to faI1lers. individuals, and
establishment.s t.ous. in agricultural production purpo.e.
or act.ivit.ies,as buying anl~ls, agricult.uralMachin.ry,
farming, etc. longte~ loan. are given for a t.l•• not le.s
than 5 years for cult.lva~iD9the land aDd agricultural
buildings. To get it, itls l~rt..nt to .how the project
finance ability. This also•••• loanl• b.nifit.
and haw it’s differ to the loan nature the .tatistical
---------------------------------- ~
analysises is used here to find the common intend equatlions
for the different 10ans(197677 / 198889 the increase and
decrease average and change equations of these loans, as
well as the percentage. Aftercomparing calculated (T) with
sched nle (T) the loan s impaortance appeared The long term
the middle term and the shortterm AT the end of this
chopter, the loans common average s faund in kalu biya and
the whele country. The percentage of these averages 1s also
The third chapter discusses clenlcal study for the
edged economic in the village bank In Toukh and Benha in
kalubiya This study. had been done with Village bank
workers samples. Also with farmers and villagers samples.
the clenlcal study proved that Village banks faces many
problems Village banks faces many problems as :
1] The loans are not msed for its purposes.
2] Charges and stores size never suit the bank luansO
3] Farmers don’t know the bank activit•• that makes them
never to deal with the bank.
4) AgriCUltural po•••••tOft d.vided that dell•• the villav.
banks to MBe Modern ••cblnery.
5] Farmers unad equate guarantee. to take .pecific loan••
To get th••• probl••• over ~b. bank worker•• ugge.ted:
1] Farmers are to be taught .tore along dlff.r.nt.••.•n. _.Qf ..
2J Farmars are to be taught how to deal with the bank.
3) Tncreasing loans averages of the faddan to suit price
4J Finance mnification and irrigated land commanding. And
the farmers in ~his stydy suggested inportant
1J Discussing again the loan benifit and lecreasing it as
2) Loans settling paymently not once.
3] Production needs saving in the suitable time.
4] Administration Facilitating when a sking the bank
5] ,Feddan loans increasing.