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Effect of feed dietary feed additives on productive perfomance of broilers /
Girgis, Atif.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / atif girgis
مشرف / S.M.Elaggoury
مناقش / ,A.F.Soliman
مناقش / S.M.Elaggoury
Broilers (Chickens).
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
125 p. ;
علوم وتكنولوجيا الأغذية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الزراعة - انتاج حيوانى
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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This experiment was carried out at the Poultry Research Fann ,
belonging to Animal Production Department , Faculty of Agriculture,
Zagazig University, Benha branch.
The present study was aimed to evaluate the effect ofBio - Tonic
(as herbal extraction) , Fermacto (as a natural feed supplement based upon
a pnmary fermentation, Aspergillus), Kemzyme (as enzyme preparation
containing alfa - amylase, protease , beta - gLucanase , lipase and
cellulase) and Zinc bacitracin (as a poly peptide compound complex with
stable Zinc) as feed additives, on productive performance and metabolic
responces of broiler .
A total number of 576 one - day old Hubbard broiler chicks were
randomly distributed into 4 - main groups each of 144 chicks. Birds of
each group were subdivided into four subgroups each of 36 chicks ( in
three replicates of 12 chicks each .
The main groups are received basal diets with 0.0 , 0.5 , 1.0 and 1.5
kg/ton ration of either Bio - Tonic, Fermacto , Kemzyme or Zinc
bacitracin, respectively.
The experimental chicks were raised under similar conditions of
management, vaccination, heating and lightening.
Chicks were individually weighed to the nearest (g) at the first
week and at weekly intervals thereafter throughout the experimental
period (lasting 7 weeks) . Weight gain between two successive weeks
were individually calculated .
Feed consumed by all chicks of each treatment was daily recorded,
averaged and expressed in gram per chick during the periods from (0 - 4 ,
4 - 7 and 0 - 7) weeks of chicks age. Feed conversion then calculated as
a ratio between feed consumption and body weight gai.n . Keel and Shank
lengths were individually measured after the end of the 1 st ,4 th and 7 th
weeks of chicks age . Economic efficiency and Performance index was
also calculated. Slaughter and carcass quality were measured at 51 day of
chicks age.
Serum total protein, albumin , globulin, A/G ratio, total lipids ,
cholesterol , GOT , GPT, alkaline phosphatase, uric: acid and creatinine
were determined at 28 and 51 days of age . In addition tissues uric acid
and creatinine were recorded at 51 day of age .
The results obtained could be summarized as follows:
1- Body weight:
a - Chicks fed diets containing Kemzyme increased body weight
over those fed either Bio - Tonic, Fermacto or Zinc bacitracin by (23.2 ,
47.0 and 5.9 g) , respectively at the end of the experimental period.
Significant variation due to dietary levels applied was found on average
body weight at 4 th and 7 th weeks of chicks age .
b - Chicks fed a,s kg Bio -Tonic /ton ration had the highest average
of body weight (1041.6 g) at the 4 th week. On the other hand, chicks fed
0.5 kg Zinc bacitracin lton ration had the highest average of body weight
(2106.8 g) at the end of the experimental period when compared with
other treatments applied .
2 - Body weight gain:
a - Chicks fed Bio - Tonic showed the highest average of body
weight gain at the period from (0 - 4) week of age. While those fed
Kemzyme had the highest average at the periods from (4 - 7 and 0 - 7 )
weeks of chicks age .
b - Supplemented diets with either 0.5 kg Zinc bacitracin or
1.5 kg Iton Kemzyme showed the highest body weight gain averages at
the period from (0 - 7) Wk of chicks age, respectively.
c - Highly significant effect due to supplemented levels was found
on the average body weight gain during the periods from (0 - 4) and
(0 - 7) wks only.
3 - Keel and Shank lengths :
a - Dietary levels had highly significant variations on keel length at
7 th week only and shank length at 4 and 7 weeks of chicks age .
b - Chicks received BiD - Tome increased Keel length at 1§1 and
7 th weeks . While those fed Zinc bacitracin increased Keel length at 4 th
week only.
c - Supplementing chicks with Kemzyme had the highest average of
Shank length at all periods of estimation.
d - Chicks fed 0.5 kg Bio - Tonic / ton ration showed the highest
average of keel length at 7 ID week of chicks age.
4 - Feed consumption and Feed conversion:
a - Chicks fed ration containing Zinc bacitracin showed the lowest
average of feed consumption at all periods of estimation .
b - Feeding chicks diet containing Zinc bacitracin had better value
of feed conversion at all experimental periods , followed by those fed
either Kemzyme or Bio - Tonic.
c - Chicks fed 0.5 kg Zinc bacitracin / ton ration had the better
average of feed conversion followed by those fed 0.5 kg Bio - Tonic / ton
d - Highly significant variations were found in feed conversion due
to dietary levels applied .
5 - Economical efficiency and Performance index:
a - Chicks received Bio - Tonic in their diet had the higher
performance index at 4 th week of age ,followed by those fed diets with
Kemzyme. On the other hand, feeding chicks diet containing Zinc
bacitracin had the highest performance index at the end of the
experimental period, followed by those fed Kemzyme , respectively .
b - Chicks fed Zinc bacitracin had the highest average of
economical efficiency allover the experimental periods followed by those
fed Bio - Tonic.
c - Feedins chicks on diet supplemented with O.S kg I ton ration of
either Zinc bacitracin or Bio - Tonic ,respectively increased economic
efficiency when compared with other levels of different treatments
6 - Carcass characteristics :
a - Chicks fed diet with Kemzyme had the highest absolute and
proportional weights of eviscerated, giblets, total edible meat and
decreased average of absolute and proportional weights of abdominal fat,
followed by those fed diets containing Fennacto in absolute and
proportional eviscerated weights and absolute weight of total edible meat .
b - Significant variation in abdominal fat percentage and absolute
and proportional weights of giblets were found due to treatments applied.
However, significantly variations in eviscerated weight, abdominal fat,
giblets and total edible meat were found due to dietary supplemented
c - Chicks fed 0.5 kg Zinc bacitracin or 1.0 Kg Kemzyme Iton
ration, respectively increased significantly total edible meat when
compared with other levels applied .
d - Feeding chicks on diets containing Fermacto had the highest
average of total protein in meat, followed by those fed Zinc bacitracin .
While those fed diets with Bio - Tonic or Kemzyme had the lowest total
protein value .
e - Chicks fed Bio - Tonic decreased average of ether extract,
moisture and ash of meat content.
f - Highly significant variation in protein, ether extract and ash of
meat content were found due to troatmenta applied.
7 - Serum blood parameters:
a - Highly significant variations were found in serum total protein ,
albumin , globulin ,A/G ratio , total lipids , cholesterol , alkaline
phosphatase , GOT , GPT , uric acid and creatinine at 28 and 51 day of age
due to treatments applied . Similar results were observed in tissues uric
acid and creatinine .
b - Feeding chicks diets containing Bio - Tonic decreased average
of serum creatinine , total lipids and cholesterol and increased serum
alkaline phosphatase and GOT at 28 day of chicks age . While at 51 day of
age , chicks fed Bio - Tonic had the lowest average of serum uric acid,
creatinine , total lipids , cholesterol and tissues uric acid and creatinine .
c - Chicks fed Fennacto showed the lowest average of serum uric
acid and highest average of serum total protein and globulin at 28 day of
chicks age . While at 51 day of age , these chicks decreased average of
total lipids and increased average of serum total protein and globulin .
d - Feeding chicks diets containing Kemzyrne had the highest
average of serum albumin , A/G ratio and OPT at 51 day of chicks age
e - Chicks received diets containing 1.5 kg Fermacto / ton ration
showed the highest averages of serum total protein and albumin at 51 day
of age .
f - Chicks fed 0.5 kg Kemzyme / ton ration had the highest average
of serum alkaline phosphatase at 51 day of age. WhiJle, chicks fed 1.5 kg /
ton Bio - Tonic and non - supplemented control diet had tho highest
averages of serum GOT and OPT at the same age.
g _ Feeding chicks diet containing 1.5 kg Bio - Tonic / ton ration
significantly decreased serum and tissues creatinine and tissues uric acid
content when compared with other levels of different treatments applied .
8 - Digestible coefficient, TDN and Nitrogen balance:
a - Feeding chicks diets containing 0.5 Kg/ton Zinc bacitracin had
the higher crude fiber digestibility . While the highest average of fat
digestibility coefficient was found in chicks fed 1.0 kg/ton Fermacto .
b - Chicks fed 1.0 kg/ton Kemzyme had the highest average of
crude protein digestibility. While those of control groups had the highest
nitrogen free extract and organic matter digestibility.
c - Chicks of control groups had the highest average of total
digestible nutrients (TDN) .
d - Feeding chicks with 1.5 kg/ton Zinc baciracin had the highest
average of nitrogen balance, followed by those fed 0.:5 kg/ton Kemzyme .
9 - Mortality rate:
a - Chicks fed diet containing Kemzyme or Zinc bacitracin
decreased mortality rate. While those fed Fermacto had the highest
average of mortality rate .
* Generally) it can be advised to supplement broiler diets with 0.5
kg / ton of either Zinc bIOitraein or Bio - Tonic in order to get higher
economical efficiency .