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Response of wheat to some Micro-nutrients /
mounir sobhy barsoum,
Barsoun, Mounir Soubhy.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Mounir Soubhy Barsoum
مشرف / E.H.M. Hefni
مناقش / F.I. Gaballa
مناقش / S. Elkalla
تاريخ النشر
1980 .
عدد الصفحات
135p. ;
الهندسة الزراعية وعلوم المحاصيل
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الزراعة - محاصيل
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Response of wheat to some,micro-nutrients
This investigation was conducted at the Faculty of
Agricultural Science. Moshtohor, Kalubia, Egypt,during
the two wheat growing seasone of 1977/78 and 1918/79 ,
to study the effect of adding some essential micronut.
rient elements namly, Zinc, Manganese and Copper, to
wheat plants. on the growth, yield charaoters and different
technological characters. The wheat variety
Giza 155 was used • ~ach expertment was ferti11eed with
45KgN./Fed. in the form of Urea (46%B,) and 16 Kg
P20S!Fed. in the form of calcium superphosphate (16%P205).
The experiments soil was cli1Y loam. The experiments were
laid-out in Randomized Complete Blocks with four replications.
Each experiment consisted of 16 treatments as
follows t
1- Without fer1111zation wi~h micronutr1ents (control
2- znS04. ?H2O0.1’
3- ZnS04. 7H20 0.2%
4-- ZnS04. WO o.~
5- ZnS04. 7H20 0.4%
6- ZnS04. 7H20 0.5%
7- MnS04. 4H20 0.1%
- ._. -.-..-.--..-
- 101- •
8- Mn804.4H20 0.2%
9- MnS04.4H20 O.J%
10- MnS04.4H20 0.4%
11- MnS04.4H20 0.5%
12- CuS04.5H20 0.1%
13- CUS04.5H20 0.2%
14- CuS04.5H20 0.3%
15- CuS04.5H20 0.4%
16- CuS04.5H20 0.5%
The plants were eprayed &tuX’ SO Gays from eul, tivation
at the rate of 801u~1o~ e.~ \0 600 Liter/Fed.
(1.5 Liter/plot), plants were suppl1ed with optimum
irrigation requritiDlentsas well as oiher agronomic
practices which were followed according to normal rec.
The most impor’ant result. of ihe present study
are aummartse4 as follows,
-1- The results showed that the 4ry v;e1ghi.of’ plant
increased significantly b~~ apply1ng the micro -
nutrients under study i za,1ID and Cu) up to the rate
of 0.4% of each,Generall7 the greatest value (80.65gm./
plant) was obtained by appJ311lg ZnO.4~t’ollowed by Mn
and Cu. ~he increase in the dr7 n1cht per plant have
probably resulted f’rQlll 8Il lDcreue in plant height
~d numoer o~ tillera/plan~.
- 102 -
2- The number of tillers increased significantly by
adding the rate or 0.1% each of Zn and Mn, also 0.2%
of the studied mioronutrienta up to 0.4% each of Zn,
1m and Ou caused si¢f1aemt inoreaaea in the number
of tillers/plant. ~he highest number of tillers/plant
(11.1) waB obtained by adding ZnO.4% followed by Mn
and eu treatments.
3- The micronutrients (Zn,Mn and eu) resulted in inceasing
signifioantly the plant hei,ght up to 0.4% of
each. Th~ highest plant height (l22.06’,cm.) resulted
from the ZnO.4% treatment followed by J4n and Cu. The
increases in plant he1ght resulted from the increases
both, stem length end length of spike.
4- The results indicated that the length of stem
increased signifioantlY’ by add1ng ZnO.l%. MnO.l% and
addition of 0.2% of the three 111icronutrients up to
0.4% applications. The stem length reached its maximum
(9.51 em.) when received ZnO.4% followed by MIl
and Cu.
5- Adding ZnO.2%, JdnO.~, the J£.4 and 4 !Q. rate of the
studied micronu~rients (Zn.Kn aDd au) gradually inoreased
’the length of spike. The znO.4:’ ’application
caused the greatest sp1Jte length (6.03cm.) ;followed
by 1I4nand Cu treatmenis.
6-,.&180the results showed ”U1a1;~h8 number of spikes ,,-
per plant increased sig.n1tiQan1;17 .b7 adding ZnO.l% ,
MIlO.l a.Il\1 the rate or o. Z’e8.Cll or za, MIl and cu, the
- 10” -
number of spikes per plant gradually increased up to
0.4% application of the studied mioronutr~ents. Also
the increase in ep1kea numoer/plant resulted approximatly
from the increase of ~111erB per plant • The
highest number or spikes/plant (5.11) obtained from
ZnO.4% followed by Mn and Cu treatments.
7- The weight of spike inoreased significantly by
adding the rate of :;O. ,% each of the studied micronutrients
(Zn, Mn and CU; tip to 0.4% applications. The
effect of micronutriQnt treatment on the spike weight
was primirly due ’to an increases in ”the kemela number
per spike and the spike length. The spike weight reached
its maximum (,J.4gm.) when received ZnO.4% treatment.
8- Also when used ZnO.l% and 0.2%, 0.)% and 0.4% each
of the studied micranatrien’ts (Zn.Mn and Cu) induced
significant increases in the number of kernels per
spike. The highest ~ber of kernels (11.31) recorded
by ZnO. 4’_’~JPa.at1on. ’lbe increase in kernels number/
spike is naturally due to an inorease 1n the number of
fertile flowers per spike.
9- The invest~ation revealed that the weight of kernels
per spike i.nore$8ed signU’1cently by adding 0.2% each
of Zn, lin and au up -Co 0.4’ application; This increase
was probably due to an. iDcreaae in the keJ’D.elsnumber
per spike and 1000 - kernel wei.ght. The night of
- 10~-
kernels per $pik~Jreaehed its maxirtnim (2.1gmd a.t the
ZnO.4% treatment.
10- Mioronutrients applied up to the rate of 0.4%
each of Zn,Mn and Cu increased signifieantly the 1000-
kernel weight. The greatest value of the IOOO-kernel
weight (46.49 gm.) recoraed by ZnO.4% application.
This increase resulted from an inorease in the weight
of the grains per spike.
II-The grain. yield significantly inoreased by adding
the studied micronulr1ents (ZntMn and Gu) up to 0.4%
application of each. The Zn application was more effective
than any other odded micronutrienta!The grain
vield was increased by 30.9%, 30.8% and 29.7% wher.
treated with ZnO.4%,MnO.4% and OuO.4% respectively,
over the untreated control. It is evident that the
increase in the grain yield was primarily due to the
increases in the number of spikes/plant, the kernels J
number/spike, the kernels weight/spike and the 1000 _ ~
kernel weight.
12- The straw yield was increased markedly by adding
the rates of 0.3% and 0.48&each of Zn, MIl and Cu.
Application Zn 0.4% brought the greatest straw yield
(1.46 Ton/Fed.). The increase in the straw yield may
be referred to the observed increases in the dry weight
/plant, number of tillers/plant and plant height.
1)- The total carbohydrate con~eJ1t of grains increased
significantly by add1ng CuO.l% and lInO.l%. also the
- 105 ~
second rate of Zn;Mn and eu up to 0.5% application of
each, gradually increased significantly’the total oarbohydrate.
The greatest mean value (75.82%) was
realized when GuO.5% was added followed by MnO.5% and
l4-’kude protein co~tent of grains increased significantly
by application of Zn,Mn and Ou up to the rate
of 0.5% of each. Applied ZnO.5%, MnO.5% and OUO.5%
increased the crude protein content by 2~56%,2.~3 %
and 2.21 % respectively, over the untreated ,
15- Zinc-contents in dry weight of plant and grains
increased significantly by adding Zn,Mn and eu up to
the 0.5% application of each. The highest mean values
of Zn-eontent in dry wei§ht and grains (735 and 869
mg/kg.) respectively, induced by addition ZnO.5%
followed by »n and Cu.
16- The studied micronutrients (Zn,Mn and Cu)resulted
in significant increase of Mn-content in dry weight
up to the rate of 0.5% o~ each. The greatest mean
value of ¥n-content (508 mg/kg) was obtained by adding
MnO.5% followed by ZnO.5% and Cu 0.5% Also the results
showed that JIn-content of grains increased significantly
by adding Zn 0.1% and MnO.l%up to 0.5% of’ each,
also applioation the rate of au 0.2% up to CuO.5% induced
significant increases in .IIn.Contentof grains. The
----- --_ .._----~-----
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greatest mean value of Mn-content in grains(623mg/kg)
was recorded by MnO.5% followed by ZNO.5% and CuO.S%.
17- Copper-c~ntents in dry weight of plant and grains
increased significantly by adding MnO.l% and OUO.l% ,
and application of the three studied micronutrients
up to the rate of 0.5% of each. The ~ighest mean values
o~ eu-content in dry weight at plant and grains (162
and, resulted from adding CuO.S%
~ollowed by KnO.5% and ZnO.5% •