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Spectrophotometric Analysis Of Biologically Active Phanothiazines =
Faculty Of Pharmacy - Assiut University ،
Mohamed، Abdel Maboud Esmail .
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / عبد المعبود اسماعيل محمد
مشرف / سلوي رزق الشابوري
مناقش / حامد الفطاطري
مناقش / محمد وليد
Analytical – chemistry – رسالة علمية .
تاريخ النشر
1985 .
عدد الصفحات
190 P؛
العلوم الصيدلية
Faculty Of Pharmacy - Assiut University ،
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة أسيوط - كلية الصيدلة - Medical Pharmacy
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Three new/methods were developed for determlllation
of some phenothiaZllle derivatives, spectrophotometrically
in bulk and in. different pharme.ceu•~j_eal dosage forms ••
Application of one of these methods :f’or analysis of prcme-
thazll1e RCl in urine was conducted. The major blue interrA.4QJ)
action product c ’_.
isolated and identified and a possi-
ble reaction mechanism have been suggested 0
Correlation between the optical densities of the produced
colour pro due ts with cert;ain phY~ji,cochemical pe.r~\meters of
ring substituents were also investigdted •
\o.Sh ’~
The thesis cau be a~ . as follows:-
Pa”t’t ( 1 ) : ••
This :p~t i.ncl’udest’ prelimina.ry testing of 16 phenothia-
zine derivatives with 18 amine compounds in addition to 17
oxidants on TLC plates and in f,olutions , in order to choose
the most sui ta.ble reagents for quantitative analys~.s of
these derivatives. Based on these prelj~lulary investiga-
tion, three reagents were selE!cted to pe st’v.diGd ~ •••
Ca) : Morpholine and NHS reagents 0
(b) : Morpholine and iodjne-potassiv~ iodide reage~ts •
(c) : Benzocaine and NES reagents 0
Part ( 2 ) :-
This part concernes with the development of two new
methods for quanti ta”tive analysis of pheno’t_ iazines ,
using two se’ts of reagents :
(a) : Morpholine and NBS reagents, for only C-2 lUlsubstitu-
ted phenothiazine derivatives, •
(b) : Morpholine and iodine-potassium iodide reagents for
0-2 unsubsti tU.ted a.nd 0””,2 sn:osti 1;uted pnenothiaziiles VIi th
cJ values not more than 0023 •
The procedures were optimized and applied to thirteen
phenothiazine drugs J~ pure f01~ as well as in pharmaceu~
tical formulations. The proposed methods jnvolve the
forma.tion of methylene blue like dye stt,ffs in aqueous
methanolic m&dium. The developed colou~ed interaction
products 1..”’1 all cases show -!;wo prominent absorption peaks. Il’he shorter.A max(s) ranged from 620 - 6L~O run , while the longer ranged :from 660 ~ .• 690 run ~ Beer-’ s law was found
be obeyed for all the studied drugs with both reagentz in
a wide range of concentrations.. The developed colours
were found extremely stable for at least 2Lt hOlU’S •
Sensitivity,accuracy, and precision of the proposed
procedures were proved by different experiments $
The developed methods were satisfactorily applied for
analysis of the studied phenothiazines in the different
pharmaceutical dosage ,forms. and morpholine &”’:po11..>
iodide ;reagents .for analysis of promethazine HGl in urin.ecQ
The possible mechanism of the involved reactions were
studied using different technic1ues including , TLC ~ sp~c•tro..-
photometric sca.nning , IR ,elerr.entarye.nalysi.a as well as
chemical testing •
Finally correlations of the optical densities of the
phenothiazine colotrred interaction products with certain
IJhysicochemical parameters (d and ?C) of rir!g substi tuents
were investigated •
Part ( 3 ) :-
This pe~t deals with the use of benzocaine and NBS
reaeents for analysis of three phenothiazine drugs ” ~J.lhe