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Reflection Of Male Sexual Problems On Their Wives Health And Its Related Nursing Managment /
Abd El-Salam, Amany.
Sexual disorders. Psychosexual disorders. Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological. Sexual Behavior.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
123 p. :
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

from 152

from 152


Reflection of male sexual problems on their wives’ health and it related nursing management. It is documented that, male sexualdysfunction is one of the most common health problems affecting men and is more common with increasing age which may be related to decline in health associated with aging, but when sexual problems occur in adults of early ages they lead to considerable distress for the couple, become source of major conflict in their relationship and also have a serious impact on the wife’s health. So this topic is important to be studied from both clinicians and researchers. The purpose of this study was to identify the different types of male sexual problems among the studied group identify the effect of male sexual problems on their wives’ physical and
psychological health (from the wives point of view) and identify the effect of nursing management on managing the physical and
psychological problems of wives who are affected by the male sexual problems. The study sample consisted of 100 women who were suffering from their husband sexual problems. This study used a structured interview questionnaire a psychtest (sexual dysfunction screen-male) male sexuality scale and knowledge assessment sheet. The study revealed that, the sexual, physical.